Sam Profile picture
10,000+ hours in #productmanagement, learning like it’s my 1st | Head of Product (Web 3) @ebay

Dec 14, 2021, 6 tweets

There is A LOT of Product Management Theory.

But very little about how you work with people (and yourself!) to get things done.

For me, it comes down to understanding and improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Some EQ building blocks and tips on how to improve.


- Relationship Management -

Building effective collaboration and momentum, whatever the situation.

8 Tips on how to improve work relationships:…

- Social Awareness -

Taking the temperature of the room, and adjusting accordingly.

Top tips for building social awareness:…

- Self-Management -

Focusing on maximising your impact whilst avoiding burnout.

How to get good at managing yourself:…

- Self-Awareness -

Looking inwards about what makes you tick and what makes you tock.

10 tips to help you look in the mirror:

Those are the four core blocks of EQ:

- Relationship Management
- Social Awareness
- Self-management
- Self-Awareness

That’s it.

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