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Dec 15, 2021, 10 tweets

#SeditionHunters - the FBI motors forward, mopping up networks: today more of Zach Rehl's Philadelphia Proud Boys. The main 5 who move together are now all arrested. The 3 today all shared a Telegram chat with Rehl, easily picked up via his phone after his March arrest. 1/

All of Rehl's crew helpfully provided names, blood types, and emergency contact info in the group text, along with coordinated travel and discussion of radios. Combined with their group selfies, they practically write their own conspiracy indictments. 2/…

Zach Rehl, Philly PB president, was first found inside the Capitol by @DianthaSol after a crowdsourced manhunt. His whole crew gathered in Sen. Merkley's office, familiar enough that they could be spotted even in black-and-white photos from the New Yorker... 3/

Now thanks to their selfies we can see the office scene in full color, complete with white power sign. Hashtags, L-R, are #LanyardPB (Healion), #KamikazePB (Vy, yes it's a terrible tag), #ZachRehlPB, and #NinjaRaphPB (Giddings). Breaking the PA network was a major goal. 4/

For militia groups who worked in coordination on Jan 6, bulk pickups are likely the norm. On the Proud Boys list, 42 of the 232 clear PBs (18%) are now arrested, with most of groups from FL, MO, PA, & PacNW. Would guess there'll be block arrests to come for NY, NJ, NC, & VA. 5/

To remember how long a road it's been and how far we've come, here's the moment when Zach Rehl was first found, on Feb. 25th. Don't be fooled by the slow pace of FBI, though - steamrollers are slow too. 6/

The working PB table is at Details on individuals can be found at or other websites; see Resources document in 7/

The Philly crew is less tracked than Biggs' Florida PB group. Zach Rehl is at the police line on the Plaza til the fight goes bad ca. 1:15 PM, then is seen just in glimpses - in Merkely's office, outside again masked up at 2:47 PM (h/t @nine_niall). 8/

The timing of that video is suspicious: Rehl's crowd is fully masked up outside and pointing toward the NW Courtyard. Two minutes later, at 2:49 PM, the courtyard door is violently re-breached, pushing police back. That episode could use more eyes on it - is Rehl involved? 9/

To credit all: @CynthiaMTeague found the video, @Detrumpify_org re-upped it, and @LsquaredRE did the analysis of the Senate Wing Lobby that let people understand that the door was opened a second time in a deliberate, violent re-breach. 10/…

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