Matt Fleming, Florida Expert Profile picture
--the dude abides-- important* comments under pinned 'tweet' are saved threads 🧵.

Dec 17, 2021, 11 tweets

1/ #BrevardCounty, FL schools is facing a $100 million lawsuit for it's life-saving mask mandates issued in the face of threats by Governor DeSantis and others. But, it looks like a conspiracy to commit fraud. 😬🧵


2/ Why did Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Brevard Sheriff Wayne Ivey, and State Atty Phil Archer denounce the "feds" talking about the @FBI and @TheJusticeDept in a shocking press conference?

Full video link:

3/ Also in this conference, State Rep. Randy Fine, and Dr. Jeffery Steel claiming Steel's 7 yr old step-daughter had suffered abuse as a result of wearing a covid mask. Rep Fine promised a "special place in hell" for those responsible.

Full video link:

4/ Anti-mask Dr. Steel used the publicity to raise over $100k on a Christian knock-off of GoFundMe called GiveSendGo based on these false claims. It appears to still be active, but it has not raised any more money recently. Here's the link:

5/ "A 35-page report released this week(Dec. 3) by Indian Harbour Beach police contradicts many of the details of Steele's story, including allegations of child abuse."…

6/ "The report also showed that the photos that Steel used to broadcast the episode were staged by him and his wife days later based on her recollection of the event, according to metadata embedded in the pictures."…

7/ Randy Fine and The Mom's For Liberty are closely connected. During the COVID surge he did all he could to prevent mask mandates while peddling vouchers to private schools that did have mandates.

8/ His campaign of terror directed at School Board Member Jennifer Jenkins, who defeated Mom's For Liberty co-founder Tina Descovich in 2020, is also very well documented at length:…

It's been so prolifically bad that he's under criminal investigation for it. But there's much more to Randy Fine's corruption. He is the k-12 Appropriations Chair, Gaming Committee Chair, and he's Vice Chair for redistricting aka #Gerrymandering

10/Phil Archer has documented history of not prosecuting crimes involving his racist or political friends, including Former Seminole County Tax Collector Joel #Greenberg. But there's much more in our next slide...…

11/ Phil Archer owes his job to #Brevard Sheriff Wayne Ivey.

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