Daniel Dumbrill Profile picture

Dec 19, 2021, 7 tweets

How many names does he have? Why didn't an IPAC country accept him from Turkey if he felt unsafe there? Was it because he was arrested multiple times? Or it wouldn't have been as useful enough a story? What was he arrested for? Why aren't you taking more Uyghurs from Turkey then?

Is it because just like in 2011, you still don't really actually believe these "escapees"?

Do you not find it ironic that IPAC is looking for evidence of Uyghurs in camps while one of your member countries LITERALLY built and kept Uyghurs locked up in European camps?

Can't find any pictures of the camps that The Netherlands kept Uyghurs locked up in, but I did find an image of Norway's camps taken by a brave anonymous photographer.

Have these European Uyghur camp operators ever opened themselves up to foreign journalists? If not, why?

Another question for @ipacglobal. Considering Canada is also a part of your organization, do you feel language like this undermines your ability to prove that you really care about Uyghurs and don't believe China's claims of a legitimate terrorism issue?

Why isn't there a Uyghur open door policy if you really believe there's a genocide? Not like you're afraid of disobeying China like w/ the US. China also made it easy with Aishan, unlike with Snowden he was still traveling on a valid Chinese passport which he left China on too 🤔

The UK alone is set to give 3 million Hong Kongers access to move in just because HK, like the UK, now has a national security law. Isn't genocide worse? The West could easily find space for the ENTIRE population, but aren't overly interested in even the few asking to be let in🤔

The West's actions seem to be unsynchronised with and even runs contrary to their rethoric. It's almost if something else could be going on here...

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