Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Dec 20, 2021, 27 tweets

🧵UK MPs and RW media have had "enough of experts"

Some examples of the disinformation and ideology we are up against

Swayne describing SAGE as "Dr Strangeloves"

2/ Swayne again, claiming road accidents and flu are killing more people than covid

They aren't

3/ Bridgen claiming infection is 20× better than vaccination at providing immunity

4/ Morgan equating basic public health measures far below a lockdown as tyranny

5/ Mcvey ( Chair of Collateral Global APPG)
"Pushing back against the lockdown fanatics"

6/ Mark Harper Chair of CRG being quite blunt in his criticism of Johnson and SAGE

7/ Graham Brady Chair of the 1922
"Authoritarian nonsense"
"Labour would have us in permanent lockdown"

8/ "The Saj" Our health secretary has gone to Balloux for advice

Couple of weeks ago he claimed UK wouldn't reach 100k cases...

9/ Meanwhile Lucy Johnson in the Express weaponises child deaths from abuse with a very misleading use of the statistics to fit her agenda

10/ Pearson of Telegraph claiming the government will manipulate hospital figures

O'Sullivan reckons Omicron won't kill anyone

11/ Carl Heneghan is also across the media, written and broadcast

Still claims masks don't work, claimed there would be no second wave, Collateral Global member

12/ Good article linked here on Heneghans track record
BTW he deleted the whole of his twitter from 2020 after all those claims covid was over

Sidenote:For accuracy Balloux 100k comment was more than a few weeks ago

14/ Then Fraser Nelson gets into a discussion with a SAGE member which the typical characters jump on as if its some smoking gun

15/ We then get people in the media arguing with scientists about what modelling means

16/ Doesn't matter how clearly its explained, their confirmation bias won't allow them to understand now.

This is why UK policy is a mess

17/ As this is the message the hardcore rebel MPs are giving Johnson

Your lockdown or your political life

18/ One person who doesn't get it is MP Marcus Fysh, he calls for the removal of the scientific advisors

This lot are like Trumpian Republicans with posher accents

19/ Telegraph reports that at least a dozen ministers blocked measures

So Johnsons hands are tied until the ideological libertarians in his party decide the situation is out of control

We're screwed

20/ 21st and Ian Duncan Smith is quoting Heneghan on #r4today 🤦🏽‍♂️

21/ And now we're back to the with not from arguement, so what's happening in London @johnredwood?
A mass outbreak of clumsiness?

22/ We shouldn't be in this situation, failure of accountability and lack of scrutiny has led us here

23/ How representative are the MPs opposing our current measures?

24/ And Triggle at the BBC appears to be hooked up on a hopium IV

25/ Christopher Chope sounds like a cultist

26/ Daily Mail intent on maintaining its usual journalistic standards

27/ All in this together
CRG, Great Barrington Declaration, RW media

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