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Dec 21, 2021, 13 tweets

🚨NEW 🚨
🎄Christmas approaching
🚀Infections rocketing
📢Scientists calling for action
😴The PM asleep at the wheel

Have we learned nothing?

Today we launch our campaign to ensure the #Covid inquiry is open, fair & robust so that we can hold this govt to account. Join us

The govt has shown contempt for truth & transparency time and again
▶️ They refused to tell us what science they were following
▶️ They withheld data
▶️ They abused emergency powers
▶️ They gave friends & donors £££s in Covid contracts
▶️ They made rules which they didn't follow

170,000 people have died. More than 1 million are living with chronic illness. It didn't need to be this way.

We're building a coalition of scientists, experts & journalists to ensure that the #Covid public inquiry gives people the answers they deserve…

At the start of the pandemic we launched #IndependentSAGE to counter the government’s lack of transparency and to bring clear, transparent scientific advice into the public domain

The govt has said it will announce the ‘terms of reference’ for its public inquiry in the New Year. Independent SAGE & the Citizens have each submitted a list of key issues that need to be addressed

We'll be hosting a Twitter Spaces event at 6pm today to discuss the #Covid public inquiry with @Lobstar_A of @CovidJusticeUK, @dgurdasani1, @sophie_e_hill founder of @My_Little_Crony and @GabrielScally of #IndependentSAGE. Please join us…

A rigorous #Covid public inquiry is paramount to hold the government accountable for its handling of the pandemic.

Join us for a Twitter spaces event on the inquiry this evening at 6pm, with Dr. Deepti Gursasani (@dgurdasani1).

Also joining us on the #CovidPublicInquiry Twitter spaces discussion this evening is Oluwalogbon Akinnola.

Don't forget to tune in at 6pm. We need answers from this government.

On today's Twitter spaces event on the #CovidPublicInquiry we also have with us Prof. Gabriel Scally (@GabrielScally) from the @IndependentSage.

Tune in at 6pm to hear us discuss the key issues we want addressed in this inquiry.

We will also be joined by Sophie Hill (@sophie_e_hill) on today's Twitter spaces event on #CovidPublicInquiry at 6pm.

We demand answers. And if you do too, give us your support and tune in today.

We are campaigning for a transparent, robust and fair public inquiry into the government's pandemic response.

We demand answers for the too many who lost their lives.
You can help us.

Join our campaign. Donate here…

NEW: our weekly newsletter is out and tells the story of a Christmas 2021 that looks like 2020:
➡️a worrying new variant
➡️infections climbing
➡️scientists calling for action
➡️#NHS struggling
➡️Boris Johnson doing nothing

But we are acting. Check it out…

With an interview to @dgurdasani1 on why we urgently need a Covid public inquiry on the government's handling of the pandemic.

If you too want answers, please support our campaign here ⬇️⬇️⬇️…

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