rektdiomedes Profile picture
Crypto, macro, thoughts on life. Curator @thedailydegenhq. Ambassador @silentdao_. Generalist vibe-maxxer. @rabbitx_io enjoyoor. Threads in Highlights tab.

Dec 22, 2021, 10 tweets

Okay my good anons, here are my 5 Favorite Yield Farming Opportunities On @FantomFDN Chain!

Big thanks to Fantom educatoors @phtevenstrong, @FTMAlerts, @rektfoodfarmer, and @Route2FI for helping me learn about most of them!


One: Is the most famous @FantomFDN farm pair of all... $FTM / $TOMB...

I am a big fan of @tombfinance and @harryyeh, and very bullish on Fantom... as a result this is a mouth-watering opportunity due to the (theoretical) lack of impermanent loss... cont.


...and crazy high apr's...

The below screenshot is of the option to auto-compound $FTM/ $TOMB on the wonderful @beefyfinance . Auto-compounding is especially helpful at high apr's like this, since it can dramatically increase your overall return.


Two: Is on the far opposite end of the risk curve, which is a nice regular stablecoin pair from the wicked smart crew at @SpookySwap. (Love the $BOO!)

This is $MAI from my beloved @QiDaoProtocol, paired with $USDC for 21.67% yield.


Three: Single-asset farming $CRV via folding on @GeistFinance, again auto-compounded by @beefyfinance.

Follow the good frog @CFrogE1 and get Curve-pilled, and then if you can't stomach gas fees for Convex on ETH L1, consider this a good backup option!


Four: Speaking of the wonderful @beefyfinance ... the next awesome opportunity is the $BIFI Maxi Vault on their site, where you can stake their gov token $BIFI to earn profit sharing from the protocol!

We LOVE the heifer and this is a great way to share in its success!


As mentioned the other day... the great thing about this specific $BIFI Maxi Vault is that you can take your mooBIFI reciepts for it and use them as collateral on @QiDaoProtocol to borrow against at 0% interest, while still getting the underlying yield!


Five: The wonderful folks at @beethoven_x have a yield farming opportunity I think is extremely cool, which is there Fidelio Duetto pool, which is 80% $BEETS (their gov token), and 20% $FTM.

This ratio cuts down on IL, and has crazy high 200%+ apr too!


This is a particularly clever move by @beethoven_x, because it reduces IL, which is a big problem with most FTM pairs if you believe FTM may moon from here.

Major props to the folks at $BEETS as a result!


Conclusion: I'm yield farming full-time right now and plan to keep doing threads like these daily, so if you are focused on similar stuff plz follow and rt! I really do appreciate it tremendously :)


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