Laura Rozen Profile picture
Reporting on foreign policy. Current: Diplomatic Substack, Just Security ed bd. Al-Monitor Politico Foreign Policy alum. lkrozen threads, lkrozen.bsky, at gmail

Dec 22, 2021, 5 tweets

🧵Jan. 6 comm to Jim Jordan: “We understand that you had at least one & possibly multiple communications with Pres. Trump on Jan. 6th. We would like to discuss each such communication with you in detail. & we also wish to inquire about any communications you had

“on January 5th or 6th with those in the Willard War Room, the Trump legal team, White House personnel or others involved in organizing or planning the actions and strategies for January 6th.”…

“…you may also have info about meetings with WH officials & the then-President in Nov. & Dec. 2020, & early-Jan. 2021, about strategies for overturning the results of the 2020 election. We would also like to ask you about any discussions involving the possibility of

“presidential pardons for individuals involved in any aspect of January 6th or the planning for January 6th.”
pardons like the ones Bannon, Flynn and others got?

“When you were asked during a Rules Comm. hearing on Oct. 20, 2021, whether you’d be willing to share with the Select Comm. the info you have re: Jan. 6th & the events leading responded, ‘I’ve said all along, ‘I have nothing to hide.’ I’ve been straightforward all along.’

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