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used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Dec 23, 2021, 29 tweets

Im finally going to watch The Fault In Our Stars purely because I feel bad about the irony of this tweet exchange

Congrats, your pain meant something to the universe

> Mass Effect 3

Dear @johngreen do the characters of The Fault In Our Stars die BEFORE Mass Effect Andromeda comes out?

I hope they never had to experience that disappointment

@johngreen Ok @johngreen

This movie is beautiful and painful

(fifty minutes in)

@johngreen his chick is talking to her lungs just to function for a week and there's this pang of tragic inevitability to it

@johngreen > self cameo

Lol John Green you lost me, hahaha

i remember flying

Dear @johngreen do you still know Laura Dern or is she the cold shoulder type

"I eat clay. but don't think about that when watching my movie"

So "The Fault In Our Stars" by @johngreen actually comes off as more of a simplistic movie within it's first hour, in terms of complexity.

But it's meant to be that way in a type of self-reflection as your watching it.

And that's the genius of the formatting style of the plot.

Like, it's clear @johngreen thought about both sides of the thing when putting it together.

Two simple characters. But a very complex, shared pain

(the movie is a little soundtrack heavy but you can toss that safely under "campy")




@johngreen WHAT



for real this movie got great at this point

Mr. DaFoe says so many offensive things in his rant I cannot repeat them

Bro @johngreen ok im stunned and impressed

you did good

Dear @johngreen please tell me you got them to install an elevator in the Anne Frank house

Ethan and Hila Klein meet for the first time, colorized

still stuck on the Anne Frank house bit

;--; oh


Dear @johngreen I don't understand you

oh fuck who left these onions here @johngreen

Bottom Line: I couldn't handle it

Dear @johngreen I'm crying bro why did you write this

I give @johngreen the coveted "entered a goldfish, came out a shark" 11/10

> Willem DaFoe is still in the car

Good night Green Goblin

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