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I’ve read the QDrops so you don’t have to. disinformation expert. Sex Bot Master.

Dec 25, 2021, 32 tweets

Over the past year QAnon promoters have been wrong about a few things, and thus I give to you this thread, QAnon, a year of failure.

Back at the start of the year we were reassured Trump was going to be declared the winner of the 2020 election. Praying Medic assured us that Pence could declare Trump President and nothing could stop him.

Medic wasn't the only one promoting this. Anonymous Patriot was here to reassure everyone that the Constitution itself would grant Trump victory.

Awakened Outlaw was here to let everyone know that in January of 2021 it would be real nice if everyone could calm down and let QTeam work in peace and secure victory on their timeline.

I'm not even going to bother with the post 1/6 stuff from January since that's been a part of QAnon lore all year long and shall remain as such forever.

February brings us hope for SCOTUS to step in and give Trump the victory. It also was the time when we were going to get witnesses at the 2nd Trump Impeachment and this would crush the Deep State for sure.

The shortest month of the year also had this weird conspiracy theory about Biden staying trapped behind the fencing that had been installed after 1/6 and that this was a prison he was trapped in.

While March 4th was a payoff that didn't payoff, QAnon quickly fell back on March 11th as the day when something bad would happen to Biden.

Also QAnon was still keeping track of sealed indictments, boy howdy did we have a lot of those.

And finally we end the month with the Myanmar coup being a good thing and QAnon spending the rest of the year trying to connect the coup there to the Great Awakening here.

After MARCH MADNESS came April Showers which consisted of QAnon wanting a cop to get away with killing George Floyd and coming up with a lot of really weird theories about all of that. Theories that include Floyd didn't have legs and Diesel didn't cost 99 cents.

The "diesel" price in that photo is for coffee. When not complaining about cops getting convicted for murder (Back then cops were good, now they are bad) GhostEzra was telling us Gwen Stefani was a clone, or maybe Shirley Manson was Gwen Stefani in a body suit.

Also Prince Philip and DMX died around the same time and if you think that was just a coincidence...You would be right.

April Showers brought May Flowers and Lin Wood and Mike Lindell promising us that the 2020 election was going to be overturned any day now.

Also Fauci was going to be the fabled "First arrest" and that Trump and QTeam had set up so many incredible boomerang traps that the Deep State was about to be hit with all sorts of pain.

June promises us JUSTICE and the Arizona Audit gets rolling and Neon Revolt says that not only will Trump be President again soon but also the GOP shall reclaim majorities in the House and Senate. Also Sidney Powell gets laser eyes.

July saw the Cuban protests against their government, which were just and good (just as the Myanmar Coup was) and also the Clintons were out dropping their enemies. Why the Clintons were allowed to do this I don't know.

Also the Arizona Audit was going to reveal the truth for really reals, if you can't trust Wendy Rogers and Mike Lindell who can you trust?

August is traditionally very HOT. Hot with the promise that the Arizona Audit was going to shatter the Deep State and that QAnon's Orange Daddy would be returning to power shortly.

It was also the month where Wisconsin's audit was going to start happening and the great hero Durham was finally spotted once more.

September was when the Arizona Audit flamed out and Pepe went from promising the total defeat of the Deep State to a 'medium boom' and Ron Watkins was waiting for the really real report to come out.

The Arizona Audit dragged out over 3 months and consumed QAnon. Ron Watkins even claimed the withdrawal from Afghanistan was a distraction from it. Now Pepe and Medic are here to tell you it was never that important and if you got your hopes up that's your problem.

October gave us Neon Revolt hyping Mike Lindell's latest flailing attempt to get a case before SCOTUS to overturn the election.

It also featured QAnon crowing about the need for booster shots and this being a huge own when everyone knew boosters were possible if not likely.

Martin Geddes came up with another deadline for "The Storm" Tweet because that man lives only for deadlines that fail and Pepe was sure that something was going to happen at some point.

November brought us bold new forms of vaccine disinformation, continued cries for an investigation into the election in Wisconsin, and the thought that the Deep State was going to install Kamala Harris to the Presidency.

This is the hamster wheel of QAnon. Endless failed predictions, new ones every single day. It doesn't matter that they are wrong, it matters that they are chattering, hyping people up, keeping people engaged.

If you believe in QAnon, just look at all the things in this thread they told you would happen but didn't. Ask yourself why you listen to these people. Is it fun? Is it entertainment? Is it a community you enjoy?

Ask yourself what you get out of being lied to over and over again. I'm not asking you to like Joe Biden or any of that. I'm asking you to have self respect and to ask yourself why you're putting up with all these lies.

Now if you want to tell me that they aren't lying and that this is all true because of X, Y, and Z, ask yourself why you think it's true. Why are you standing up for this stuff. I know why these people promote these lies, but why do you feel the need to defend them?

It will never end. The lies never stop. The grift is relentless. The only question is when will you decide you have had enough.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all. Go Pack Go.

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