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Dec 26, 2021, 29 tweets

So…I just found some previously never published documents which recorded the Communist Internationale. The timing of this is…interesting.

The title is…

@ConceptualJames @jeffreyatucker @JMalashock @3rbunn1nja @GadSaad @NickHudsonCT @BostonDelendEst @BretWeinstein

Somethings I’ve already noted (it’s a large volume of course. Typical.)

From session 9. 18 june 1923, afternoon
Centralism – Report and Discussion


From glossary.

The focus on fascism is striking from a ‘21 perspective. From the editor’s intro…

(Note end of Harding’s presidency- successor of Wilson, is not even two months later. Just noting.)

This final report is referenced in intro above.

The response to what they call a coup in Bulgaria leads next to its resolution on Fascism. But the resolution’s persuasion is…see for yourself.

Remember. These are the victors. White movement is anti communist but specifically anti Bolshevik. (Whiteness. white supremacy. It’s so obvious when you remember or read their writings. How do we not teach this to this day? Especially now?) @ConceptualJames @NickHudsonCT

Remember the peasant class across the “blood lands?” Beginning in Ukraine then continuing on after *Yalta*? 1923 continues…




(Harding lived in rural Ohio all his life, except when political service took him elsewhere.) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_G.…

On religion. Note the utilization of religion in one direction. Is it antisemitic to point to similarities to beginnings of the holocaust? Or…@ConceptualJames I think this is important.

And “fascism”…just read the whole thing.
White = fascist = white supremacy = whiteness = revolution = dictatorship of the proletariat = civil war = “revolution” then repeat. Forever.

There is no utopia.

*trade* unions “question”

“Cooperative” question

Finally they plan for 1924 which meets in June rather than March and Germany received the flag and symbol that is visible everywhere. timesofisrael.com/the-1924-trial…

So this is a massive document with only a little featured here. And wow. Again. How do we not teach this? 1922 avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/r…

1924 League of Nations
1925 avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/l…

1926 Germany & Russia renew Rialto avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/b…

“They were supposed to be surrounded by friends: every neighbor a comrade, that was how they must have imagined it.”thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/the-nazi-sovie…

/end (I need a hug/drink/Xanax/muppetmovie sandwich)

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