Somethings I’ve already noted (it’s a large volume of course. Typical.)
From session 9. 18 june 1923, afternoon
Centralism – Report and Discussion
From glossary.
The focus on fascism is striking from a ‘21 perspective. From the editor’s intro…
(Note end of Harding’s presidency- successor of Wilson, is not even two months later. Just noting.)
This final report is referenced in intro above.
The response to what they call a coup in Bulgaria leads next to its resolution on Fascism. But the resolution’s persuasion is…see for yourself.
Remember. These are the victors. White movement is anti communist but specifically anti Bolshevik. (Whiteness. white supremacy. It’s so obvious when you remember or read their writings. How do we not teach this to this day? Especially now?) @ConceptualJames@NickHudsonCT
Remember the peasant class across the “blood lands?” Beginning in Ukraine then continuing on after *Yalta*? 1923 continues…
On religion. Note the utilization of religion in one direction. Is it antisemitic to point to similarities to beginnings of the holocaust? Or…@ConceptualJames I think this is important.
And “fascism”…just read the whole thing.
White = fascist = white supremacy = whiteness = revolution = dictatorship of the proletariat = civil war = “revolution” then repeat. Forever.
There is no utopia.
*trade* unions “question”
“Cooperative” question
Finally they plan for 1924 which meets in June rather than March and Germany received the flag and symbol that is visible everywhere.…
So this is a massive document with only a little featured here. And wow. Again. How do we not teach this? 1922…
1796 - Washington announced he would not be seeking another term. His announcement was the first in what became the tradition of Presidents addressing the people before their departure as well as what was, until recently, how they departed from public service. 🧵
I have a favorite founding document that was once part of our shared general knowledge. It was delivered to the people in 1796 and some may recall portions of it from the score of the musical Hamilton.
It’s also one that seems to have been lost to our collective memory. Penned by Washington’s secretary, Alexander Hamilton it has been narrowed, in error, to focus mostly on avoiding foreign entanglements. Remarkably “forgotten” was what we were warned about most strongly.
The socrealist spectacle of the Olympic opening ceremony served its Purpose.
1. Remind that the Hero is Toil and the toiler is unthinkable outside the collective by bastardizing the ancient transformative promise of ritual to elevate an individual from the mundane to awe at and with the potential of one human being to be exceptional and to be celebrated for it.
2. By distracting you with visuals meant to distort your consciousness (“engineer the human soul.”)
3. Replace lineage with a march toward an assured glorious future determined by Party and worshiping Purpose.
4. By destroying the author/artist by activating a feverish activity, and confusing / burying history. “The artist must be both midwife and gravedigger; not only giving birth to a new art but exterminating the pernicious elements of the old, even if they like it.”
5. By continuing to use children to trigger fear and paralysis.
6. Meanwhile…
TransFORMATION - distract you with symbols that offend and fear which aim to destroy your fundamental belief which no one can touch unless you allow them to.
The Last Supper was painted by DeVinci, not by God or Christ or John the Baptist or anyone.
They built a false idol. They showed you that Christians, like Muslims who will react feverishly at any depiction of Muhammad are very vulnerable to Liberation Theology. You reacted to the Golden Calf, many of you, with a predictable emotion.
🧵I think there are insights into our current situation which can be very useful from
this particular essay titled Power of the Powerless.
I’ve quoted later parts of it often, but now I want to focus on the earlier sections where he explains why what they experienced and what I believe we are also, isn’t a dictatorship or even really communism or fascism, but rather something else. Something unique to modernity but also requiring a very different tactic to defeat…
Here is a link to the essay. I’ll be quoting from it and also trying to, later in this thread, summarize its nature. In order to defeat an enemy we must first be able to understand what it actually is.…
Angelo Codevilla before he died a few years ago also wrote an essay which I’m
reminded of whenever I read this piece. The key to understanding what we face I believe is understanding the nature of ideology and the way it actually, unique to the circumstance described by Havel but also warned by Havel, relates to power in what he called a “post totalitarian system.” He did not mean after a totalitarian period. I’ll be sharing the Codevilla Essay as well titled “Revolution 2020.”
No laws should ever dictate emotion. Learning how to regulate one’s emotional outbursts is not the same thing as attempting to regulate another being’s emotions.
We are not livestock.
SEL is a form of socialist realism, a philosophy which views
the mere idea of individualism as “zoological.”
It is NOT merely an artistic aesthetic or style of literature. It is a philosophy and cornerstone of Stalinist and Maoist theology.
It’s premise is that morality is determined not from within but from the outside and not by wisdom but by the state - specifically by the Party.
It is said, by many, that in part the justification for Jew hate can be found in the writings and brilliance of people like Nietzsche. However this, just like every justification by intellectuals to pseudo intellectuals and their pawns is not only shallow, but false
What I find remarkable as of late is how many justifications often cite, adopt, even claim ideas and language and declarations that are uniquely part of jewish wisdom and spirit, preserved by my people for millennia or - bastardizations of non Jewish but thoughtful, wise, brilliant
and complex but without any hatred or even, what is worse than hate, contempt for my people (and therefore, since I am inseparably Jewish both in truth and according to those whose passion for my people likes only in my death or annihilation- I don’t only mean Hamas here) is also treated with