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Job: Data-Driven Strategist. Side Job: Commentator on US Politics/Economics. Gig: MC & Speeches. Created: #EconomicStressIndex.

Dec 27, 2021, 6 tweets

Reminder that Pfizer’s COVID—19 vaccine “has been authorized for emergency use to prevent COVID-19 in ages 16+.”

That’s Pfizer’s own tweet from 7 months ago.

Again: “to prevent COVID-19.”

Will anyone at @CNBC ask Pfizer Boarf Member @ScottGottliebMD about this?

“Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus STOPS with every vaccinated person.” - @maddow in late March of this year. (Source of this show is @NBCNews @MSNBC or whoever will try to get this shaming tweet down for “copyright.” It isn’t. I am giving due credit.)

“You are not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” - Biden in July.

(Source of this show is @CNN or whoever in that cooperation will try to get this shaming tweet down for “copyright.” It isn’t. I am giving due credit but real rules don’t matter around here.)

He wrote “100%” twice; once as in 100%!

The promise versus the outcome is why vaccines shouldn’t be mandated before being years in the filed with a full understanding of how things workout. Vaxx passes were made with the assumption of no spread.

Fauci in May on @FaceTheNation to @johndickerson: “When you are [C19] vaccinated… you become a dead end to the virus and when there are a lot of dead ends around the virus is not gonna go anywhere.”

Update: 70% populations are “dead-ends” yet cases are busting old records. How?

Many COVID policies still in place such as vaxx passed are rooted in the assumption that being COVID-19 vaccinated means a dead-end to spread. Despite it being more broadly acknowledged in recent weeks that this is not the case, the same policies remain.

Vaccine Fanatics.

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