TheValuesVoter (Also on Threads and BlueSky) Profile picture
Love God and Human Life at all stages, Pro-life. Anti-racist. Fact Checker. List Maker. Unless it aligns with God’s Word or data, don’t believe it. #TrumpLost

Dec 28, 2021, 7 tweets

OF COURSE the GOP is involved in a massive, intentional campaign of #VoterSuppression, motivated by partisanship and heavily influenced by race.

Here is the data:

Isn't it a little strange, even if you are the type to assume that their intentions are good that they only have a complete commitment to changing the voting laws IN THE STATES WHICH THEY MOST FEAR LOSING???

The numbers speak for themselves.

This is what the GOP has done everywhere it:
1) Has had the opportunity to do so (full control of State Government) AND

2) Feels like it NEEDS to do it to keep power.


Some of these guys are casting aside any benefit of the doubt to where they’re coming from. Some of them DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE US CONSTITUTION OR DEMOCRACY.

No matter how many flags they wrap themselves with. Some of them simply don’t. If they ever did, they’ve given up on it.

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