Jessica Price Profile picture
Game tastemaker, creative lead, producer, writer, howling maenad. Mildly obsessed with lionesses. I block often. She/her.

Dec 29, 2021, 30 tweets

Train is stopped in Wenatchee, and I am missing my kitties something fierce, so here is a thread of my kitties playing dress-up.

These are my cats, Lucy and Max

Lucy is 11 and loves playing dress-up. She’s a shelter kitty.

This is Max. He just turned 3 and is a purebred Maine Coon. He tries to play dress-up because he tries to do everything his big sister does.

Lucy never met a piece of fabric she didn’t want to wear.

She seems especially inspired by bright colors.

She likes to steal my scarves. Especially the silk ones.

Sometimes she likes to be a mysterious veiled lady

Sometimes she likes to be a Greek goddess

Sometimes she likes to be a ghost

Lucy had a big sister named Molly who she loved very much.

After Molly passed away she was very lonely and not eating, so I got Max.

Max was initially very small.

But he started growing very fast and I’m not sure Lucy was sure how she felt about that.

One day I stepped on her tail and she yelped and Max came running and realized he was bigger than she was now and got very protective.

But she’s still his big sister and he still takes his cues from her.

He wanted to be involved while she was playing with a scarf but I didn’t want him to wreck it so I put a felt heart on him. He was very proud.

So I got him some ties. He wasn’t real sure about the whole tie thing but did like the “shake hands and make a deal part.”

He really liked his Pride tie though

He watched his sister a bunch and then decided to try it himself.

Sometimes with a little help he’d sort of get it

Lucy tried to give him advice

He’s good at it if he has competition

Sometimes I’d find him experimenting.

Lucy told him it’s all about context and your facial expression and how you look at the camera

So he tried smoldering at the camera.

But he’s really more of a sensitive boy.

His attempts to pose don’t always go well

I have a lot of different scarves because Lucy has moods

And she likes seasonal colors

She really likes royal colors

Sometimes Max tries to play dress-up when she’s done

And, well

But even though he’s a fashion disaster, he’s a good brother

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