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Dec 30, 2021, 6 tweets

#BREAKING US says latest media closure undermines Hong Kong's 'credibility'

#UPDATE US Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemns the latest closure of a pro-democracy media outlet in Hong Kong, saying it undermines the reputation of the Chinese-ruled financial hub

#BREAKING Two charged with sedition after raid on Hong Kong news outlet: police

#UPDATE Two members of a Hong Kong news outlet are charged with "conspiracy to publish seditious publication,” police say, a day after a raid on pro-democracy publication Stand News

Graphic charting Hong Kong's ranking on the Reporters Without Borders world press freedom index, including comparisons with mainland China and Taiwan #AFPgraphics

Two senior editors of Hong Kong media outlet Stand News are charged with "conspiracy to publish seditious" material, police say, following a raid on pro-democracy publication Stand News that drew international condemnation

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