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🎥 ₿ Ξ Đ ⏻ 𝕏 ☦︎ I came for the free money, I Stayed for the revolution ✹ Get out of your head-get in your Bible @Apes4Change #SpacesHost

Dec 30, 2021, 13 tweets

A year ago, in a small corner of the internet, on a sub Reddit called Wall Street Bets an idea was formed. “What if retail bought up our favorite stonks, that were maliciously shorted, and just held and bought no matter what? Can we save those companies?” $GME $AMC 1/13

So, we did just that. We bought, and we held. We bought more, and held. And on January 27th, the idea proved to be true! Our stocks saw MASSIVE GAINS! Retail was on top of the world! We did it!… until 2/13

January 28th. The market makers, the elite, the 1% told us that we weren’t good enough. That we didn’t know what we were doing, and they restricted us from freely buying into our stonks, they even went so far as to restrict buying on the app they we used most RobinhoodApp 3/13

Instead of accepting message that the market makers and brokerages had sent us, and just accepting it, the apes were born. ALL PEOPLE EQUAL. No politics, social class, race, gender, sexual orientation, blah blah… ALL PEOPLE. 4/13

Paper hands exited their positions and left at the first sign of gains, but the apes persisted. They fought, they Held On For Dear Life, or “HODL” as it became known as. 5/13

The apes felt tremendous loss and saw minimal gains. Bag HODL’ers from January 28th stayed and held their hands with diamond hands. 6/13

And we’ve had many victories along the way. And suffered some loss, but we’re still here! 7/13

The more we talk, the more we teach, the more we learn, and the more we study, the more we find that the markets have been stacked agains the 99% for a very long time. But we can change that. This movement WAS about free money, now it’s about change. They say it’s impossible…but

The 1% have had their chance to change the world for the better. They had their chance to give back, they’ve had their chance to leave a better world for the next generation, but their greed has made them emotionless and worthless. 9/13

So now, as apes, it’s OUR turn to change the world. And we’ve already begun. From nationwide toy drives, to giving back in our local communities, apes have proven that, not only are we a force for change in the market, we’re also a force for change in the world 10/13

And the more they throw at us, the more convicted we become. Their algos can’t figure us out. Their bots and paid shills can’t weather our resolve, in fact it does the opposite. It makes us stronger. It brings us closer. 11/13

So on the birthday of the ape nation, January 28th, let’s send a message to the world. Let’s send a message to the shorts, let’s send a message to the institutions #APESNEVERLEFT and that our companies ARE profitable because WE LOVE THE MOVIES and #APESNOTLEAVING 12/13

Let’s over #AMC theaters all over the world by buying as many tickets as you can. One ticket, or 100, it doesn’t matter. GO TO THE MOVIES!! Take the kids, take your friends, or better yet, DONATE some tickets to a local charity! Let’s Make it an experience to remember! 14/14

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