🎥 ₿ Ξ Đ ⏻ 𝕏 ☦︎ I came for the free money, I Stayed for the revolution ✹ Get out of your head-get in your Bible @Apes4Change #SpacesHost
Dec 30, 2021 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
A year ago, in a small corner of the internet, on a sub Reddit called Wall Street Bets an idea was formed. “What if retail bought up our favorite stonks, that were maliciously shorted, and just held and bought no matter what? Can we save those companies?” $GME $AMC 1/13
So, we did just that. We bought, and we held. We bought more, and held. And on January 27th, the idea proved to be true! Our stocks saw MASSIVE GAINS! Retail was on top of the world! We did it!… until 2/13
Dec 26, 2021 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
An experience that @LowKey_disco and myself had at an @AMCTheatres, last night. I wrote @CEOAdam a message about this, and wanted to share with everyone. 1/11
I write you this to tell you about an amazing experience that a dear friend of mine and myself witnessed at an AMC theater in La Jolla, California, last night. We went to the 5pm showing of "Spiderman", 2/11
Nov 13, 2021 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
MOASS Mindset time! If you thought the hard part was holding the last 10 months, I have bad news for you… (1/8)
So you diamond handed for 10 whole months. Picked up plenty of more shares, maybe even saw some gains along the way (or losses no judging). You didn’t sell you beautiful ape. You’ve seen the FUD, the theories, the DD… you’ve seen it all and survived it. (2/8)
Nov 11, 2021 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
**DD FOR DUMMIES** Morning, STONKERS! If you’re a bag HODLER, and have no idea why you’re in the red, this tweet is for you!! I want to talk about Cost Basis Per Share or “Average Price”. 1/11
Your Cost Basis Per Share or Average Price Per Share (depending on your brokerage) is just that. The average price that you bought your shares at. If the price goes up, from there, then obviously you’re gaining money in your investment, and if it goes down, then the VALUE of 2/11
Oct 26, 2021 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
Payment for order flow is essentially the practice of a PFOF broker routing orders through a series of market-making firms, instead of directly to a stock exchange. 1/14
The broker gets paid by these firms for redirecting trades to a particular market maker for completion. These companies pay a small amount to participating brokers and complete the order.
Oct 14, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
DD For Dummies: A History lesson vs. Today's price action...
On January 5th, $AMC was at its lowest point at $1.91. From then to the run up on January 27th, that was 22 days... 1/5
From January27th to March 11th, AMC went into a pennant. It filled gaps and experienced a false breakout, back onto the previously formed pennant, and had a breakout to the upside, on May 11th at the end of that pennant. 22 days later, AMC went to $72.62. 2/5
Sep 26, 2021 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
*DD FOR DUMMIES: What's beta? Beta is a measure of risk commonly used to compare the volatility of stocks, mutual funds, or ETFs to that of the overall market. The S&P 500 Index is the base for calculating beta with a value of 1.0.
Securities with betas below 1 have historically been less volatile than the market. While securities with betas above 1, have historically been more volatile than the market. The beta is calculated using data over a 5-year period.
Sep 15, 2021 • 15 tweets • 5 min read
Payment for order flow is essentially the practice of a PFOF broker routing orders through a series of market-making firms, instead of directly to a stock exchange.
The broker gets paid by these firms for redirecting trades to a particular market maker for completion. These companies pay a small amount to participating brokers and complete the order.
Jul 3, 2021 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Ok lets talk AMC and the big morning drop yesterday. A few interesting notes on this. In my opinion there was a coordinated short attack and it was intentionally covered up. Let me explain how I reach that conclusion. @cvpayne@SEC_News@SEC_Enforcement#AMC $AMC 1/10
1)At 10:02 est. A tweet goes out from some obscure company called Iceberg Research, of whom no one ever heard of claiming they had a short position in AMC. Now how obscure is Iceberg? Well they hardly even made a dent on Twitter. 2/10