N0rth0ftheW4ll 🇺🇲🇺🇦 Profile picture
Its always darkest before the sunrise....

Jan 2, 2022, 19 tweets

On the last day of 2021 Bernie Kerik & his attorney provided documents to satisfy a subpoena request from the @January6thCmte committee investigating the #Jan6th attempted Capitol coup. One document discussed members of the Giuliani / Kerik team. h/t @visionsurreal @get_innocuous

A hung-over @get_innocuous was still able 2 demonstrate fantastic OSINT skills & determined that Katherine Friess is actually the author via the metadata for a number of these documents. Seems 2 clinch her as the "KF" listed on the team roster doc. #BigLie

Another doc provided 2 the @January6thCmte by the Kerik team was a list created by Christos Makridis and Soula Parassidis of "conservative" social media influencers that could astroturf a media blitz pressuring swing-state Republicans to oppose certifying the election #BigLie

So @the_peetape has Christos and Soula at the Trump International DC hotel with Robert Hyde (of the Giuliani Willard War Room) on Jan 6th .... interesting indeed.

This list of social media influencers that was provided is quite interesting. For example @/AMErikanGIRLLL is still live but its lost over 50k followers (likely via suspensions). It was one of the core accounts from #TheMIghty200 network ... AMErikanGirlbot at the time.

The @john_kissMyBot account (suspended) was very closely associated with the AMErikanGirlBot account at the time (2018) and likely could have been included in the original Mighty200 set of Pro-MAGA domestic twitter troll accounts. Many averaging well over 100 tweets / day

Oh and of course how could I forget hapless Ron Watkins of Qanon fame. It is very interesting the heavy influence of TPUSA and Qanon on many of the social media influencers on this list. Odd for an Opera singer and economist .... or is it?

Here is a Politico article from 2019 on #TheMighty200 a tight network of mostly domestic pro-MAGA twitter influencers. It has always been an odd group ... but one, before Twitter started cracking down on #disinfo, that could make things go viral within hrs politico.com/story/2019/02/…

The Bradley Scott account @/Hoosiers1986 referenced in the document is this one. It has also lost over 50k followers since the election. This account isn't listed as one of #TheMighty200 accounts but its strongly associated with dozens of the accounts that are in the list

Melissa Tate better know for a long time as @TheRightMelissa was of course a very influential pro-MAGA account for many years. I think she was probably a creation of TPUSA if I remember correctly

Remember it was reported a few weeks back that Brandon Straka was cooperating with both the @FBIWFO and the @January6thCmte and provided reams of documents. He is on this list of SM influencers just provided by Kerik. Seems like some triangulation

Based on new info the preliminary thought is now that SP and CR may actually be Sidney Powell and Chanel Rion .. need to look at some more metadata.

CORRECTION: Based on new info the preliminary thought is now that SP and CR may actually be Sidney Powell and Chanel Rion .. need to look at some more metadata.

Check out some of the work done by @conspirator0 and @ZellaQuixote on the very prolific #theMighty200 network ... which is likely much larger than the original 200 documents documented back in early 2018 i believe.

So these Social Media influencers were not picked at random. That seems obvious. For example these 3 accounts AMErikaNGirl, Bradley Scott & John_KissMyBot in the "Small" category were strongly linked, went through multiple user-handle changes & were boosted by Russian IRA trolls

Okay we are pretty sure we have the two associated Qanon accounts nailed down from the Christos / Soula document that was part of the Bernie Kerik doc dump. @TheRISEofROD

To our Knowledge this is the 1st example of someone at a high official level (Giuliani / Kerik team) engaging or attempting 2 engage members of #TheMighty200 domestic twitter troll network & large Qanon accounts 4 help in astroturfing a narrative via social media #BigLie #InfoOps

Follow the archive link and look at the bio and the accounts this now suspended account @judy_shwabe from #TheMighty200 network of prolific domestic twitter trolls was retweeting on Nov. 15th 2020 #BigLie

One correction on my tweet about @TheRightMelissa account. I did not mean to imply that she is not a real person. She very much is & was traced back to 2016 (sweetatertot, sweetatertot2). Its our belief the persona was promoted & helped along by TPUSA

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