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Jan 2, 2022, 6 tweets

Laxmi-Narayan Mandir, situated in Mahal area, is also known as Munshi Mandir. This is the ancient temple built in the period of Raghuji Raje Bhonsale (II) by one Shridhar Munshi. The temple has a parkot surrounding.

The carvings of Padam and Pratima are visible on the arcade of the entrance gate. The same carvings could be found inside. The temple structure is rectangular, without Jagati and its adhisthan belongs to Kamadpeeth class.

The design has Grabhagruha, Antaral, Ardha Pandap and Sabha Mandap. The temple is facing east and Antaral is rectangular in shape. The entrance of ‘Garbhagruha’ is simple with Ganesh idol on its head and two dwarpals on both sides.

The ‘Garbhagruha’ is square in shape measuring 3x3 meters and a beautiful idol of Laxmi-Narayan is placed on 1.25 meters high bhadrapeeth.”
The carvings on the outer side of the temple are very attractive and more spectacular than other ancient temples in city.

Opposite Sabha Mandap of the temple a small temple of ‘Garuda’ is seen. The peak of this small garuda temple is spherical and has an impact of Dravadian style of architecture. The epitome of the temple consists of Shala and Kut.

There are four rows of Shala and Kut from the apex to the neck of epitome with attractive carvings of idols of Gods. In the place of Amalak, a spherical dome shaped structure with Padam and Kalash are seen. Many idols are broken and many devkoshtha are empty.

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