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AusPolMate - Time for a break

Jan 2, 2022, 6 tweets

1/ Rapid Antigen Testing - It's by design
The govt invited 'sponsors' to bring RAT's into OZ. Specs published by the TGA. 18 now approved
#ScottyFromEugenics has granted an exemption for all COVID-19 measures to not include a regulatory impact statement. See RAT's amendment👇

Cost to apply to sponsor a product is $10K approx.
We now have 18 approved sponsors. Wholesalers/Retailers can purchase RATs from these 18
It was a deliberate decision to use the "Free Market" to manage supply/demand for critical health needs.
Shops will buy cheap & sell high

We are not 'informed consumers' we will have no idea if we are buying the cheap one that is only suitable for use after 7 days or the one that'll work after 1 day.
RATs have varying levels of sensitivity, depending on how long/much COVID you have.

I had poted this earlier, this shows every tender/contract issued by the Liberal government with the word "Antigen" in it. Lining up the dates in a Gantt chart we can see the government are not preparing for any role of significance in rolling out RAT's

Time to remember Scott Morrisons neglect of the National Medical Stockpile, resulting in 100's of requests for PPE from Vic Aged Care places being rejected @ the peak of the 2nd wave.

Final post.
This is a series of clips showing Scott Morrison sings the praises of RAT's and his own Dr/MP's advocating for there use (Dr Allen pushing for free like the UK).

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