AusPolMate - Time for a break Profile picture
AusPolMate - Time for a break
Dott. 🌈 Deluce Profile picture 💉💉💉💉💉😷😷😷😷 Warwick Tweedie Profile picture Kookabarra Profile picture Sylvie Profile picture fabien Profile picture 6 subscribed
May 16 6 tweets 2 min read
1/ Coalition 70 seat minority government
My thoughts on how Dutton has pitched & wedged his budget to take a 70 seat minority govt.
Salient points;
1. Screw renewables, he has no intention of getting greens voters.
2. Re-use existing power plant locations will upset no one. 2/
3. Migrants & Foreign investors don't vote, so no downside.
This is the same as Greens strategy of protesting against things in places they'll never win.
An example is Greens Anti-Adani risks nothing as they'll never take Capricornia or mining towns.
Feb 29 5 tweets 2 min read
Compared to Paris agreement:
➡️Started in 2005 @ 621Mt
➡️Target 354Mt vs Now 459Mt
➡️Target 43%⬇️2005 vs Now = 25.4%
#Auspol #Renewables
The Australian Labor party are the only party in Australia that has a fully modelled plan for how Australia will reach the Paris Agreement target. The Greens have no modelling and the Liberals don't believe in climate change.
Emission from electricity⬇️4.9%; (7.7 Mt CO2-e)
-Driver is more Renewables
Agriculture⬆️2.5%; (2.0 Mt CO2-e)
-Driver is bumper crops
Transport⬆️4.5%; (4.2 Mt CO2-e)
-Driver is post COVID recovery
Share of Emissions👇 Image
Feb 15 10 tweets 8 min read
1/ UNRWA's & Tunnels- From UNRWA website.
2017 - Tunnel under two UNRWA schools.
2014 - UNRWA discover rockets in school (2nd time)
2021 - What is a "possible tunnel"?
2012 - So many tunnels they describe it as a "Tunnel Area" in Rafah.

2/ 2021 - "underground structures" & "tunnels."
2017 - Tunnel under an UNRWA school
2023 - Rafah Camp blockade - "1,500 tunnels", "tunnel economy."
2011 - September goods smuggled through tunnels - 90,000 tonnes of aggregate, 15,000 tonnes of steel bars

Aug 14, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
1/ My 10c on Rent Freeze Law -It's easy being Green.
The bill has no cost calculation or estimate.
It's inaccurate to describe the payment as being determined by the Minister. Obviously, the Minister can't determine that $1 is enough, so this section is logically impossible. Image 2/ Property Mgrs/Real-Estate companies will keep the fee while the landlords refund the tenants.
Landlords would need to refund money & redo their tax returns & may need to borrow money to finance the refunds. Image
Jul 28, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
1/ Greens Hypocrisy Busted:
📷Right: Greens using a 1 in 2,000 year flood model to protest against 855 new homes in Max's wealthy electorate. 855 homes lower values?
📷Left: Greens omits the flood model (I've added it back) from their plan for a new school & some public housing. Max Chandler-Mather lying by omission. The Greens are the ultimate NIMBY party. The Greens use a 1 in 2000 year flood model to discredit the proposed development and then propose an alternative use of the site while not mentioning or showing any flood impacts. 2/This is how the Greens present their plan.

Using just a tiny pocket of land to build some public housing & creating hectares of parkland would increase home values. The Greens @Greens and Max Chandler-Mather posting an alternative plan for the Bulimba Barracks site without using the flood map he used to discredit the existing development proposal.
Jul 8, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read
1/ 🧵Vile Robodebt lies that live on.
If you’ve been told Labor started/pioneered/”laid the foundations” or in any way was involved with Robodebt you have been told a vile lie.
If you are posting this information, then you are lying.
This thread busts these absurd lies. 2/
NO, Data Matching was NOT started by Shorten/Plibersek & Data Matching is NOT Robodebt .
Data Matching has been undertaken for over 50 years.

The 1975/76 DSS Annual Report👇includes details of data matching for fraud detection.
Jun 25, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
1/ 🧵Greens Housing Policy
A fund by any other name would smell of hypocrisy.
Greens will create a Housing Trust. Sounds similar to a Future Fund, but ministers will have direct control.
Same indirect funding:
States, councils, community housing providers etc. 2/
Labor already has a shared equity scheme.
Interestingly the Greens think houses will cost $300K to build or buy. This will likely limit any new housing to the far reaches of cities. Sounds like a recipe for high-pollution transit and a lack of employment
Apr 23, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ If not 1938, then when?
Jack Patten, legendary Yorta Yorta man. He was an athlete, orator, activist & founder of the first Aboriginal newspaper,

Edition 1/6- Aus Day 1938, 150 yrs after the 1st fleet landed, saw Jack organise a national day of mourning.
#VoteYes #Auspol "The Australian Abo Ca... 2/ Edition 2/6- A stark contrast. 60 years earlier, the 1st cricket team to visit England was all Aboriginal.
A Judge lamented being unable to flog Aboriginals when sentencing Packsaddle (Real name: Too Put Ah Malay). The policies of segregation...
Feb 21, 2023 9 tweets 11 min read
@BrownedoffB @MichaelWestBiz @CallumDRFoote @jonkudelka 1/ OK, here are some more facts.
Peak winter shortfalls are already happening. These are being addressed by 'market interventions.' Image @BrownedoffB @MichaelWestBiz @CallumDRFoote @jonkudelka 2/
This is the precise Greens policy. color-coded to show each separate part.
Technically this is referred to as 2P reserves (Proven and Probable).
It is 2P reserves that will run out Image
Feb 8, 2023 22 tweets 9 min read
1/ Re: #RobodebtRC PwC 'draft' report
My 10c worth
From needing hundreds of new staff to omitting vulnerability as a consideration for deciding whether to apply automated robodebt debt processing 2/
The assumption was most people would do it all online. The reality was this was not the case.
If they had acted on this report, then the customer experience' would've been central.
As this report went nowhere (i do not believe this), they missed this insight.
Aug 26, 2022 14 tweets 10 min read
@RonniSalt @jommy_tee 1/ Here is Chris Hartley talking ag the 2019 Kings Cup gathering with the ADF @RonniSalt @jommy_tee 2/ Here is the ADF announcing there participation in the Kings Cup
May 16, 2022 44 tweets 17 min read
1/🧵#Robodebt origins, background & myth/lie buster
This thread will bust the offensive & ignorant lies that have linked Robodebt to Labor.
“One thing that stands out... distress, including suicidal ideation and in some cases suicide”
- Federal Court Justice Bernard Murphy. Scott Morrisons Robodebt machine led to suicides and cost th 2/
Scott Morrison settled the class action the day prior the court case. We never got to hear the truth.
Justice Bernard Murphy who presided over the settlement has very scathing comments to make, including “It’s a very sorry chapter in Australian public administration” Robodebt “One thing that stands out... distress, including
Apr 8, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ 103 Advertising/Propaganda contracts.
This year alone the Liberals have issued 103 advertising contracts worth $68M.
The chart below shows the start & end date for each contract. #Auspol #FederalICAC #AlboForPM #ScottyFromMarketing Image 2/ PEAK PROPAGANDA
Assuming each contract expends its money evenly over the contract duration then we see 'peak propaganda' being reached just prior to the election being called and dropping off at the end of financial year. #ScottyFromPhotoOps Image
Apr 4, 2022 20 tweets 7 min read
1/ Cook preselection
Not long after Scott Morrison was sacked, he took Cook amidst a culture of factional deals, dirt and use the of media to dog whistle, promote and undermine others. This is a series of news clippings from the time
Alex Hawke plays a key role 2/
Alex Hawke & Hillsong. It seems Hillsong is an excellent addition to a Liberal CV
We see Coleman, who has rarely been in Canberra for the last 2 years, he teams up with Paul Fletcher. The thread shows David was against Morrison
Marise Payne is involved, perhaps as a pawn.
Mar 15, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Aged Care: The endless rort.
The latest grant to 'SummitCare-Baulkum Hills' is extraordinary. Easily the largest grant given out under the 'COVID Preparedness Fund'. It's just over 4 years old. Shown are two Liberals at the opening. 2/ The owner appears to be doing extremely well from the 8 places he owns, shelling out $37M for this place.
Mar 13, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
1/ How good is bypassing democracy.
The Liberals made 33 changes to laws over Christmas & made them 'exempt from disallowance' (Can't be challenged or stopped)
The LNP led senate committee for 'scrutiny of bills' said NOT 1 of them was justified.
#Auspol #FederalICAC 2/ The bypassing of democracy is scandalous, the exempt from disallowance provisions are meant for administration or critically urgent.
When the LNP⬆️debt limit to $1.2T it was done using delegated legislation & the exempt from disallowance power👇
The abuse of the
Mar 12, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
1/🧵FAIL: RC-National Natural Disaster Arrangements
🌊Big disasters-no longer 'unprecedented'
🌊Upcoming floods-more than just houses inundated
🌊Shane Stone is remarkable
🌊Key new departments: 'Australian Climate Services' & 'National Resilience & Recovery Agency'
#Auspol 2/ The 2 new departments and the existing EMS make up the Liberal governments design for disaster management. Shown in the freshly minted disaster management document (1st created by Labor in 2012 as part of the 1st ever COAG disaster agreement).
Feb 24, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
🧵1/ INDUE- Cashless Debit Card
"A card by any other name would control as much"
📺A video showing the both the Liberal & National party support for a nationwide Cashless Debit Card
📖A small thread to provide background/context for this crucial issue.
#Auspol #AlboForPM 2/ In 2007 (Liberal's Attempts 1.0) The Liberals pushed for a big bang approach, putting all government services onto one card. It was given the name the “Access Card”.
In 2016 (Liberal's Attempt 2.0) the creeping control began with the first trial of “Indue”
Feb 17, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
1/ Unemployment-The forgotten facts
If you have a job, but haven't worked because of illness, Injury or sick leave. You are still counted as employed.
We can see the extraordinary level of people connected to work, but not working in the chart below
#Auspol Scott Morrison has led the most wasteful, corrupt and incomp 2/ A massive increase in people who worked fewer hours because of illness, injury or sick leave
Feb 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
1/ Beers, but has he considered the Bruises?
My 10c
The governments Women’s Budget Statement opens by saying Domestic Violence costs the economy $26 billion.
36% of partner homicide offenders were under the influence of alcohol.
Is the budget in a position to forgo $150M #Auspol 2/
The governments plan for addressing domestic violence explicitly says that it will rely on increasing the price of alcohol as a "PREVENTATIVE" measure.

#EnoughIsEnough #ScottythePsycho
Feb 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
1/ A report into the past reports.
Over 20 reports, from takforces, senate inquiries, consultancies and reviews.
The Royal Commission even reviewed all pastr reviews & reports
The 1st report was titled 'NEGLECT'
Our elderly don't need another report
#Election2022 #AgedCareCrises 2/
Just another ludicrous waste of money, waste of time and deadly delay.
The Senate committee completed yet another review into Aged Care work force issue. Then one year later the Liberals paid for another strategy on workforce issues.
It gets better...