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Jun 20th 2023
Twitter, I’m about to get VERY grumpy. I have some of the smartest, caring people trying to support me. But despite literal hundreds of pages of evidence, @NDIS have said “insufficient evidence submitted” I’ve been in hospital 16 nights. Second fall admission in as many 1/
Months, with all due respect @NDIS @billshortenmp @stevegeorganas @PWDAustralia @JFAPurpleOrange @PictonChris @NatCookMP what the heck more can I possibly do? Enough gatekeeping, evidence is supplied by multiple specialists and allied health. I already have multiple 2/
Documented avoidable adverse reactions, more frequent hospital admissions and longer admission. I really need out of inpatient services and back home, but without #NDIS supports that’s not going to happen. #AusPol it’s 2023, we’re meant to be a 1st world country that cares 3/
Read 5 tweets
Jun 16th 2023
@bobjcarr #auspol

Hi Bob,
I watched part of your pod cast with Mark Bouris, and have some initial thoughts.

China over took the United States as the largest economy as measured on PPI over 5 years ago. It is the largest manufacturer, largest exporter, etc with
massive trade surplus and productive capacity many times that of the USA.
USA creativity is in my view an occidental tacit form of racism. China dominates in almost all art forms, but where I believe your were heading is technical creativity where China overwhelms the
Not simply almost double scientific patents now. But every single area of high tech. From advanced AI, Quantum (yes better than IBM by far - father of Quantum is Chinese Pan Jianwei).

China dominates in hypersonics, materials science, radar (4,000km radar just
Read 11 tweets
Jun 15th 2023
Paediatrician Dylan Wilson: “I have direct evidence of children treated at [Queensland's gender clinic] who have reported that they genuinely believed they would become the opposite sex. The lack of genuine consent for this is likely to form the basis of future legal action." /1
On Monday, The Australian reported Dr Wilson's call for an immediate halt to any new treatment with puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones at the Brisbane-based clinic. The hospital defends its "evidence-based care" by citing low-quality WPATH & RCH treatment guidelines. #AusPol Image
Gender clinics in Australia face mounting pressure. England has decided to confine puberty blockers to a formal research setting. Sweden & Finland have also restricted routine use of medicalised gender change. The evidence base is very weak & uncertain.…
Read 20 tweets
Jun 11th 2023

Alright. After the just awful journalism I have seen in the last few days & some of the just god awful reporting by @samanthamaiden it's time to break down the whole saga that kicked off the review of Parliament

#auspol #thread
To be clear @samanthamaiden works for News Week. A publication own by Rupert Murdoch. A man who has an interest in discrediting abusers of sexual assault. Do I expect her to be judicious in her reporting? Based on how she has treated a rape as her own personal cash cow... NOPE.
Walter Sofronoff had to issue a suppression order when this behaviour interfered with the Commission last month - @samanthamaiden would have been at the top of his list of complaints for picking pieces for clickbait. #auspol #journalism #news 📰📎🗞️🖇️…
Read 24 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
Here's 16 reasons why the Stage 3 tax cuts should be scrapped 🧵

1/ FACT: the Stage 3 tax cuts are massively expensive and massively unfair

They will cost at least $313 billion over a decade, of which $157.5 billion will go to those earning more than $180,000 a year. #auspol
Every dollar of the Stage 3 tax cuts to the wealthy ($313billion), is a dollar not spent on government services that are crying out for funds like Aged Care and Medicare, or increasing the rate of Jobseeker above the poverty line. #auspol
3/ They will give bankers, surgeons, and MPs an extra $9075 a year, while hospo workers get nothing.

Australia is in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis, and the Stage 3 tax cuts will deliver 0 for those struggling to make ends meet on the minimum wage or low incomes. #auspol Image
Read 7 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
The Ben Roberts Smith defamation trial, high level command responsibility and the International Criminal Court - a thread🧵

Following 'national security' vetting by #auspol government officials over the weekend, Justice Besanko's written ruling on the BRS vs Nine defamation……
Command responsibility in war is poorly understood in the community and has received scant if any serious or sustained media attention in Australia.

The law of command responsibility is laid down in Article 28 of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Statute, aka 'Rome Statute…… ImageImage
Commentary on the SOTG Afghanistan war crimes saga has focused largely on the findings of the November 2020 Brereton Report.…

With respect to command responsibility, the Brereton Inquiry erroneously found:

• SOTG troop, squadron and task group…… ImageImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
I don't know why the ABC keeps pushing these "lest we forget" articles when they themselves have admitted most of the Tiananmen narrative was lies & falsehoods.
Noone died in Tiananmen Square. But fierce street clashes killed many
#auspol… via @ABCaustralia
Here the ABC admits that the contents on Bob Hawke's teary speech (that defined a generation) was based on lies and falsehoods that he discovered soon afterwards, but he never corrected the record…
Here is video from a Spanish news crew (never shown to us) of the square being peacefully cleared on the morning of June 4th.

Noone died in Tiananmen Square.

Read 9 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
There's a lot of talk about 'productivity' & how if we just work harder & be more productive then wages will increase

Well, lets have a proper discussion about productivity

Employers holding workers to ransom over productivity are making record profits.
#auspol #Bee4Fadden
Productivity comes about when employers provide better work environments without compromising on safety.

Productivity comes about when employees feel valued.

Productivity comes about when govts invest the same amount in every child's education.
#auspol #Bee4Fadden
Productivity comes about when employers have integrity and promote the best ppl to the job, not promotions based on cronyism, favouritism, nepotism

Productivity comes about when workers have a living wage & don't come to work hungry or stressed about money
#auspol #Bee4Fadden
Read 10 tweets
May 31st 2023
Morning everyone☕️☕️

Pinch & a punch for the 1st of the month!

Have a fantastic day, stay safe & have fun

Fed Parl is sitting

House 9-5
Fed Ch 9:30-1
QT 2-3:15ish
#Estimates & committee (times/topics in pic👇)

Watch live👇…
#auspol #qt #Bee4Fadden Image
For more #Estimates info…

House Notice Paper/Daily program + more…


All we have to do to keep the bastards honest is pay attention.
#auspol #qt #Bee4Fadden Image
What else is on today:

National Press Club #NPC
Senator Don Farrell
12:30pm ABC

#auspol #qt #Bee4Fadden Image
Read 4 tweets
May 31st 2023
Here's 16 reasons why the Stage 3 tax cuts should be scrapped 🧵

1/ FACT: the Stage 3 tax cuts are massively expensive and massively unfair

They will cost at least $254 billion over a decade, of which $117.6 billion will go to those earning more than $180,000 a year. #auspol
Every dollar of the Stage 3 tax cuts to the wealthy ($254billion), is a dollar not spent on government services that are crying out for funds like Aged Care and Medicare, or increasing the rate of Jobseeker above the poverty line. #auspol
3/ They will give bankers, surgeons, and MPs an extra $9075 a year, while hospo workers get nothing.

Australia is in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis, and the Stage 3 tax cuts will deliver 0 for those struggling to make ends meet on the minimum wage or low incomes. #auspol
Read 17 tweets
May 29th 2023
Good question! 🧵1/16 . Price and Mundine are uncritically platformed to campaign against Voice, Treaty & Truth. Evidence suggests they speak not with the authority of any First Nations community but for fossil fuel/mining corporates. #auspol #voteyes❤️💛🖤👇
2/16 The anti-Voice campaign is being run by the Australian branch of the global Atlas Network of 500+ neoliberal ‘research institutes’, esp. the Centre for Independent Studies, which fosters the careers of Mundine and Price.👇……
3/16 I research the global organisation of climate policy obstruction since the 1980s via Big Oil funded Atlas ‘think tanks’. These are usually run by the elite members of the invite-only Mont Pelerin Society: John Howard is one.……
Read 17 tweets
May 27th 2023
Government released its draft National strategy for the Care and Support sector today. I haven’t read it in full detail, but credit where it’s due - really promising to see the focus on some key issues impacting the sector. Here are my early thoughts. #auspol #ausecon
A driver of this work is the persistent issues impacting supply of labour. Challenges at the intersection of the labour market and care economy are well known. Consumers see it through cancelled appts, thinner rosters on Aged Care sites and difficulty confirming services
Longterm scarring of the care workforce due to pay, recognition and nature of work is impacting the ability of providers to access labour resources. This is no longer an issue in regional and remote areas, but one across geographies and cohorts.
Read 17 tweets
May 26th 2023
In a BIG win for biodiversity and climate - the Victorian Govt has joined WA in halting native forest logging by 2024.

NSW needs to show the same leadership
#auspol #endnativeforestlogging Image
The native forest logging division of Forestry Corp NSW is loss making - and is being propped up by taxpayer subsidies.

So we’re in this appalling situation where taxpayers are paying to destroy koala habitat.
And with the announcement that the NSW govt is going to create a Great Koala National Park on the mid North Coast - Forest Corp NSW is planning to accelerate logging of nearly 20% of the proposed area this year before it is established.

#auspol #endnativeforestlogging
Read 3 tweets
May 26th 2023
No one said life was gonna be easy.

No one said living through a pandemic was going to be easy.

It’s all about what you think is important and worth fighting for.

I chose health, lives, and sticking together. I chose to try to solve problems, not hide them.
You can rewrite history.

You can say the mass overseas graves didn’t matter. You can say that we didn’t need to lockdown (when we had no PPE, no vaccines and no therapeutics).

I know different.

I was there.
Go back through my tweets of 2020.

She’d enough tears, attended enough zoom funerals…
Read 8 tweets
May 23rd 2023
A Labor unionist in their enviro and planning committee

Pushing ALPs totally populist, classist, gaslighting smear campaign against Greens

This smear campaign kicked off months ago


Qld Greens doing effective grassroots renter advocacy, confronted ALP landlords. #auspol
I feel physically sick

as a lifelong unionist, enviro and feminist, now homeless until I die, which mainly upsets me as I can't advocate more effectively on climate for my grandkids

seeing these useful fools/bigots gaslight a genuine renter campaign coming from younger Greens.
If this is about the decision to end native logging

This is again, sickening.

Labor criminalized enviro protest in multiple states, even Labor enviros know their party are sick hypocrities on this issue.

Read 14 tweets
May 19th 2023
1) 💥Australia declared WAR on America💥


Here is what Durham can’t tell you❗️

Also - how the targeting of me implicates those who committed the ‘Crime of the Century’❗️ ImageImage
2) I’ll get straight to the point.

The exact moment Australia declared WAR on America was …

… when Alexander Downer handed the “Paragraph Five” disinfo cable to Elizabeth Dibble at the US Embassy in London. Image
3) As you all know, Alexander Downer and Erika Thompson (ASIO/ASIS honeypot) …

… attempted to extract fake “Russia Collusion” from Papadopoulos.

This rot was originally inserted by Mifsud (CIA). Image
Read 25 tweets
May 19th 2023
EXPLAINER: Why people are worried about SA's new anti-protest laws, and why you should be too.
A thread:
👩🏾‍⚖️ What these laws do: they increase the penalties for "obstructing a public place" So let's start by defining what a public place is at law
#ProtectProtest #AusLaw #AusPol
S4 Summary Offences Act SA defines it as:
👩🏾‍🦽A place to which free access is permitted to the public (like parks, civic squares etc.)
🎞️A place to which the public are admitted on payment of money (stadiums or cinemas etc)
🛣️ A road, street, footway etc.…
Now to the changes in the Bill rammed through the SA Lower House. This is what they do:
⛔️Increase penalty for obstruction of a public place from $750 to $50,000. A 60-fold increase to the maximum penalty. Just wild.
Read 11 tweets
May 17th 2023
1/18 #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19nsw

So @AlboMP and @AustralianLabor want to keep kids in school because "it's better for them."

Let me tell you about about my kids current schooling, followed by a new local discovery about testing.
2/ Most days my kids have a *minimum* of 1 "Quad".

A quad is a period of no learning where anywhere between 20-120 students (out of 450) sit outside in the quadrangle doing nothing. Some read, or play sport, most talk.

The reason for quads is so many teachers are out with Covid
3/ My youngest had 5 quads in one day. The remaining period they watched Matilda the Musical.

They told me about several kids in different years who have had 6 quads, every one outside, multiple times.

Tell me @AlboMP, how is this good for anyone? #Auspol
Read 19 tweets
May 15th 2023
1/8. Aboriginals are imprisoned at the highest rate in the world because they commit serious crimes at rates 8 to 10 times higher than non-Aboriginal Australians. Data from the ABS highlights elevated offending by other groups as well. #auspol #crime #aboriginalcrime #immigration Image
2/8. Sexual assault and related offences. Image
3/8. Robbery, extortion and related offences. Image
Read 8 tweets
May 14th 2023
"There is no technical, scientific, or environmental reason to ban nuclear energy" - Dr @Jo_Lackenby president of the Australian Nuclear Association.

#auspol Image
Dr @Jo_Lackenby says that removing the ban on nuclear is not an automatic green light for construction but would allow the technology to be assessed on its merits alongside other technology.

Discussion has moved to cost.

Cost is important when considering building a plant, it's not relevant to whether #nuclear should remain banned under an environmental act.

Nuclear energy has the lowest lifecycle environmental impact. There is no justification to ban it.
#auspol Image
Read 39 tweets
May 13th 2023

The CDC finally releasing some practically useful ventilation and masks for kids guidelines…

After government responsibility (payment) for emergency management has ended…

The clearest sign on how much government influence there is in the CDC?
American CDC that is…
What does that mean?

If we declare a PHEIC then we get only the advice the government is willing to pay for?
Read 4 tweets
May 12th 2023
You'd never guess - from the name - what Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 is.
A lot of doctors don't know either.
According to current research, #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), otherwise known as "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," is a neuro-immune condition with fluctuating physical and cognitive symptoms. The gloved hands of a scien...
Some people get ME/CFS after a virus, but in others it develops gradually without a known trigger.
The symptoms can range from mild to severe, it’s often highly disabling, and it is not rare. The exact causal mechanisms haven't been nailed down yet, but research is getting closer
Read 12 tweets
May 12th 2023
They promised us they would be responsible regarding C19 hospitalisations & deaths.

W/out public reporting this can’t be assessed and is an affront to democracy, as was the initial decision to open up Australia without a public referendum on the introduction of disease. #auspol
There wasn’t even a debate on it…
No costs calculated and presented to the public.
Read 6 tweets
May 8th 2023
It's #Budget2023 Day!

If the leaks are true, it's peanuts for those on welfare, and tax cuts for high-income earners.

Here are 16 reasons why the Stage 3 tax cuts should be scrapped 🧵#auspol Image
1/ FACT: the Stage 3 tax cuts are massively expensive and massively unfair

The Stage 3 tax cuts are forecast to cost at least a quarter of a trillion dollars ($254 billion) over a decade, of which $117.6 billion will go to those earning more than $180,000 a year. #auspol
Every dollar of the Stage 3 tax cuts to the wealthy ($254billion), is a dollar not spent on government services that are crying out for funds like Aged Care and Medicare, or increasing the rate of Jobseeker above the poverty line. #auspol
Read 18 tweets

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