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Jan 3, 2022, 17 tweets

A guy whose business offerings included “Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) emulation” where he would pretend to be a specific hacking group & target your network in penetration tests.
Wonder if they posed as Fancy Bear & Cozy Bear...

I saw that he had been indicted before Christmas but had not had time to do a thread over the holidays.


After Vladislav Klyushin was arrested in Switzerland, the Russians tried very hard to get him extradited to Russia & away from the DOJ.
But the Swiss finally shipped him to us in December...

Same day the extradition was announced by DOJ, SEC filed a suit alleging $82M in illegal profits off insider trading. These Russians were hacking 2 US firms that upload reports to SEC websites for corporations, to get information before it was made public. sec.gov/litigation/com…

So they hacked the firms that uploaded data to SEC.

Which I guess is better than a few years ago when they just hacked the SEC directly to get access to drafts of corporate reports to use for insider trading.

The extradition accouncement says the hackers were taking 60% of the profits as a fee for investors who hired them to trade on thus insider information gained by hacking the SEC earnings filings before they were filed & made public.

One of Klyushin's co-defendants at M-13 is Ivan Yermakov. He was one of the Directors of the M-13 along with Kluyshin.
M-13 advertises they can pretend to be APT's such as Cozy Bear for clients.
Mueller indicted Yermakov for hacking the Podesta's Yahoo emails & DNC as Cozy Bear.

So are Yermakov & the others really GRU hackers?
Are they hacking contractors for GRU?
Or are they hacking contractors pretending to be GRU?

I suspect the trial of Vladislav Klyushin will answer that question...

Or did someone provide fake information to Crowdstrike or Mueller to implicate these 'GRU officers' in hacking the DNC?

Company 1 is Crowdstrike & this looks at the alleged game of spy vs. spy between them & the M-13 or GRU hackers.
So the hackers posting that they have “totally no relation to the Russian government.” was almost a sure way to convince everyone it was the Russian government...

Yermakov or Ermakov was one of the individuals indicted in the Western District of PA for hacking Westinghouse Nuclear, athletic doping test centers, & WMD labs who were processing evidence in the UK assassinations & Syria cases...

Hopefully we will find out if this is true or not.
"Yermakov is alleged to have been a Russian military intelligence office..."

But it may be that he worked for GRU by day & M-13 at night pretending to be GRU to serve M-13s clients.

Some sources wanted us to believe FSB did it!

IF, someone paid M-13 to pretend to be GRU & hack the DNC, I wouldn't want to be them now.
Did Mueller's investigation get it all on the record without questioning that it was GRU so critical audiences would believe it? Before it was exposed they pretended to be GRU for a client.

The new indictment announcement claims Ivan Yermakov is a former GRU officer, but provides no dates on when he left GRU.

M-13 claims to provide a variety of IT solutions on their website but they are hard to find on any search engines...
I can't find a claim of when the started this business, was it before the hacks or after?
Found one reference to providing call center solutions since 2017...

They don't really name any customers or clients on their website...

The only partnership they mention is with the 1C Company, a Russian software firm that was started in 1991 as the Soviet Union collapsed & has a large presence in many computer markets in Russia.

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