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I'm a writer and photographer in Southern Colorado. Photos at https://t.co/k4YUbWKTLL, books at https://t.co/7Gn55zvWoJ

Jan 3, 2022, 11 tweets

For today’s #boebertreportcard, let’s look at the seven resolutions Chucklehead was bragging about as “accomplishments” this weekend. (A thread)

1 Cosponsor: Doug Lamborn, R-CO
This is a House Resolution, with no enforcement mechanism. If passed, it basically says, “We want the USS Pueblo back.” Which has been US policy since the ship was captured by North Korea in 1968.

11 Cosponsors, mostly members of the Freedumb Caucus. This is another House Resolution with no binding power, just a lot of whereas paragraphs.

0 cosponsors. She submitted this when she thought her predecessor was keeping case files a secret from her. (He didn’t.) It would set a dangerous precedent in that confidential data a constituent requested help with could become available to any member of the House, friend or foe

24 Cosponsors. Another House-only resolution. This one calls on the President to remove and replace Alejandro Mayorkas as the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. It also has a bunch of “whereas” grievances.

2 cosponsors. Rep. Ralph Norman, [R-SC-5] and Rep. Bob Good, [R-VA-5]. A resolution to begin impeachment proceedings against the VP for supporting the Pres. in withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. It also lists failure to invoke the 25th Amendment as cause for her dismissal.

6 cosponsors. Biggs [R-AZ-5], Duncan [R-SC-3], Norman [R-SC-5], Gohmert [R-TX-1], Hice [R-GA-10], Good [R-VA-5]. A resolution to impeach the President for being a bad Commander in Chief during the withdrawal from Afghanistan. The charge is “giving aid and comfort to our enemies.”

And finally, the only resolution of hers for both the House and Senate. 20 cosponsors on this resolution calling for the removal of retired Lieutenant General Russel Honoré, U.S. Army, from his interim role investigating the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. It also

urges the Speaker of the House of Representatives to appoint a nonpartisan, bicameral panel of former Members of Congress, law enforcement officials, and military servicemen to investigate those events. Lt. Gen. Honoré completed the report the same month this ridiculous

resolution was introduced.

And why was it introduced? Because the General tweeted “mean” (and in my opinion, honest) things about various Senators and Representatives.

And who were the cosponsors?

And that’s it. Lots of fluff. No substance. Which is no surprise.

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