John Roberts Profile picture
Actuary for far too many years. Welsh, but now live in the spiritual home of the Wurzels out west. Don’t think I’ve got the accent yet. Like zider though...

Jan 3, 2022, 7 tweets

Bank Holiday🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿booster/3rd primary update:
260k total reported over the last three days A comparison with the prior week isn't really meaningful, but in total we've boosted just 1.6m in the 10 days from 24th to 2nd.

Total is now 28.7m.


We may have offered all adults a booster by the year end, but around 8.7m (pale blue bars) haven't yet had one for some reason.

Note that some will be due to lack of interest, and some due to recent or current infections, rather than a lack of capacity in the system.


Nevertheless we've got excellent coverage over age 50, with 91% of those eligible boosted, or 89% of all those with 2 doses.

Put another way, only 1.8m of those eligible over 50 haven't yet been boosted - but we do need to reach out to these people, and get them jabbed too.


I reported here on ONS analysis that showed that we see the same pattern of lower take-up for boosters as we did for the primary dose campaign, hence the importance of improving take-up in minority communities.


The by now familiar look at progress over the last month by age-band, showing the rapid increase from the middle of the month, and subsequent slow progress over the Xmas and NY period.


Whilst boosting will continue, given we're now past the year end deadline set, it's appropriate to once again thank all those involved who rose to the challenge of the PM's announcement of the acceleration in mid December. since when we've boosted 8.9m.


I'll continue to provide booster updates, but on a less frequent basis from now on, given the likelihood that daily numbers will be lower from now on.

Meanwhile if you're able to and haven't yet, please do consider going and getting your booster as soon as possible.


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