David McBride Profile picture
Father, writer, public speaker and whistleblower. Truth Is A Lonely Warrior. Account managed by Team DMB.

Jan 3, 2022, 8 tweets

Rupert Murdoch’s @newscorpaus is fighting against a Royal Commission into media ownership (and political influence), claiming it is a ‘witch-hunt’.

However a look at today’s headlines from @australian show it is anything but.


Todays story’s have the following subtexts:
1. China is a bad totalitarian Govt than even harms Aust share prices (not mentioning the boom they created for the past 20 years).

2. Renewables are bad. And Zero Emissions targets cause ruin for countries who adopt them (No evidence)

3. ‘COVID Crisis will soon be over’

4. The PM is a ‘calming influence’ and cutting through the ‘BS’ on COVID numbers.

5. These two likeable ‘Aussie Farmer Couple’ were Saved by the LNP Govts bailout plan. (Don’t mention ‘Hawaii’ or ‘Black Summer’)

6. The AUKUS Nuclear Subs deal is ‘great’ and has China ‘rattled’ (nice sporting analogy. For nuclear war).

7. China’s a Bully. Other countries think so too (someone in Lithuania) .

8. Biden is a gateway drug for a ‘Communist Takeover of the US (told you so!)

9. Aust we greatly benefit from a Defence Pact with Japan than the LNP created, cos they hate China too.

10. Bloody Unions mean hard working tradies get less money (no mention of the abomination that is the Fair Work Act, or what Aust would look like without Unions)

11. Albo is a joke and doesn’t know what he is talking about. His promises are all ‘illusory’. And involve death. And scary things like ghosts.

12. The economy is actually booming! Not only is this farmer rolling in it, but banks profits soar!

13 ‘How great is (LNP) Australia !

In the same way that it is a mistake for the US Govt to try to crush all dissent, rather than be open, and learn from criticism, Murdoch’s complete refusal to stop political meddling could be his downfall.

Perhaps neither of them is capable of compromise.

Who can blame those in the ‘Global South’ for thinking the West is simply a vehicle for profits and propaganda?

Why would you do if you were them?

Are Murdoch and the US taking us down the right path?

For them, maybe. For our children? I’m not so sure.

PS: Arise Sir Tony!

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