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Jan 4, 2022, 20 tweets

Why the pineapples I own aren’t going anywhere…


#Cryptopunks were the premier OG NFT project on Ethereum.

Launched in 2017, at the start of this year it appeared they were never going to be overtaken.

@BoredApeYC Bored Ape Yacht Club (#BAYC) floor price recently overtook Cryptopunks floor price.

BAYC launched in late April 2021. 10,000 NFTs, generative ‘profile picture’ (PFP) artwork.

Increase in ETH value from mint price of 0.08 eth to now around 70 ETH.

Cryptopunks were about ownership, and display of that ownership.

BAYC started evolving that concept, with better artwork and access to features only available to NFT holders, such as a merch store where you sign in using ETH wallet to assure BAYC ownership.

BAYC also used ownership of that NFT to airdrop different ‘serum’ types, allowing you to create a Mutant Ape, along with a public sale of 10,000 additional Mutant Apes, forming the maximum size 20,000 NFT collection #MAYC.

@SecrtPineapple Society launched with a @ThetaDrop presale on 12th November at 199USD (about 585 $tfuel at the time).

Current floor price is about 4500 $tfuel, or around 900USD.

Already, the #TFUEL price for the floor is about a 8x on your original investment.

The top sales? Well, they’re doing alright also…..

In terms of timeline since minting, we are still within the first two months. It’s still soooo early.

But what makes a good NFT project?

“What makes BAYC or any other NFT collection valuable is highly subjective. Broadly, it's a mix of three things. Influencer/celebrity involvement, community strength and utilities for members.”


Let’s consider these points with SPS in mind:

Influencer/Celebrity involvement:

Theta network is the future of media and entertainment delivery (eg. SONY, SAMSUNG, GOOGLE, CAA)

If you don’t realize some of the 151 Pineapples in the reserved #1-200 editions that are yet to be revealed are saved for celebrities, well....

Community Strength

Seeing how the Theta community has adopted the SPS as their profile image on twitter (not just the NFT flippers) and watching the artistic efforts put in by the community to keep the conversation going, you become aware this community has ‘it’.

Utilities for members

The ultimate unveiling of ‘The Grove’ is expected to be impressive, but more importantly, remember this?

“live performances, concerts, and other ticketed events that require authentication”


The future of the internet is decentralized


Why wouldn’t you want to hold as many editions of the premier NFT project on the blockchain associated with a decentralized data and video delivery network, that just so happens to have a patent on NFT based DRM via a decentralized network.

It’s where the future lies.

When ‘The Grove’ materializes, don’t be surprised when it’s much more than a merch store with metama$k authentication of your NFT and a pixel based graffiti wall.

We’ll all know what Thetapass DRM is by then…

So what’s the future?

Obviously ‘the Grove’, but also…

There certainly seems to be other things in the works.

Will the floor price ever overtake BAYC?

Who knows… although Cryptopunks were never going to be overtaken, right?

But I do know a current floor price pineapple of 900USD is an absolute fucken steal compared to the potential upside….


And if there is any confusion on the matter, I’ll leave you with this.

You think these four just like the artwork?

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