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Ever thought of your NFTs becoming mini financial hubs? It’s now possible.

Since the launch of EIP-6551 (aka Token Bound Accounts), every #Ethereum-based #NFT in existence, from #CryptoKitties to #BoredApes, can now act as a wallet.

A Breakdown thread🧵 on EIP-6551 👇

These NFT-owned wallets can now own other assets like:


🔸ERC-20 tokens like USDT

🔸ERC-721 tokens

🔸ERC-1155 tokens, aka semi fungible tokens.

This means that if you own a Bored Ape, you can now have that Bored Ape own a Moonbird, Azuki, all in a single wallet.

Or, you can create an inception of wallets within #NFTs and have your #BAYC own your #MAYC and your #MAYC own your #CryptoPunk and your Punk own your $ETH

Read 21 tweets
We're humbled by the response to our Ape Accelerator proposal (AIP-209), and we've seen some brilliant questions coming in from the community!

With that in mind, here's a thread answering some of the most common ones 🧵 Image
Q: What makes you best placed to run the Ape Accelerator?

💬The team behind AIP-209 have a long history of Web3 incubation:
◉ Worked alongside @animocabrands on new project due diligence
◉ Launched first major NFT launchpad in 2021
◉ Proven track record of #BAYC IP growth Image
Q: What are the retail entry requirements for the Launchpad?

💬 Simply put, the DAO will be able to determine specific entry requirements and vote to amend at any time.

In our AIP proposal we've proposed the following tiered approach based on our experience of supply/demand 👇 Image
Read 11 tweets
复盘 $LADYS 之后,想到一个有趣的项目发现策略👇

- 找到最近4天创建的新地址,且Gas来源于CEX (这样就不能在链上关联分析,找到资金来源 ~项目方的惯用手段)
- 这些新地址买了什么币
- 基于买入次数和买入地址数排序,找到热门Token

此方式成功筛选出 $LADYS 和一些新MEME Image

当然这些Token也可以结合Smart Money的列表来快速定位是否有Smart Money在冲新的土狗。

通过这些规则以及币价,发现了一些新 MEME,有一个是 $MELON
⚠️没有投资建议! Image
- 近两天新创建
- 来自交易所的新钱包购买
- 流动性逐渐提升

晚上看到 #BAYC 7570 的Holder 在带这个 MEME,感觉非常有意思,和 @superamscom 讨论后做了一个 $MELON 的面板(流动性分析部分由Spring 支持):…
Read 5 tweets
It's time for this week's Forj #FlashNews

🗞️@solana #Web3 phone, Saga, is now available globally

🗞️Developers have deployed #Uniswap's smart contracts onto the #Bitcoin network

🗞️@GoldmanSachs, @Deloitte, and @Microsoft are partnering with @digitalassetcom

... and more!🧵
2/ The future of mobile is here! 📲

@solana Mobile's #Web3 phone, Saga, is now available for purchase globally.

This sleek #Android phone could reshape our interactions with blockchain tech.

Get the scoop here 👉…
3/ Developers have deployed #Uniswap's smart contracts onto the #Bitcoin network, leveraging the rising popularity of BRC-20 tokens like $SHIB and $PEPE.

This pushes the envelope of #DeFi on Bitcoin. More details here:
Read 7 tweets

Series 10: Real Builder in Winter | @JPEGd_69 – Tham Vọng Quá Lớn Liệu Có Thành Công?

Thread bao gồm:
1⃣ Tổng quan về #JPEG'd
2⃣ Hành trình & Thành tựu đầu tiên
3⃣ Vì sao JPEG'd khiến mình ấn tượng

Retweet để ủng hộ @HakResearch nhen mọi người ơi! Image

1⃣ Tổng quan về #JPEG'd

🧙‍♂️ Định nghĩa về @JPEGd_69

JPEG'd là một nền tảng CDP là viết tắt của Collateralized Debt Position tương tự như Maker DAO đã quá nổi tiếng với DAI trên Ethereum, tương tự vậy JPEG'd chấp nhận các tài sản thế chấp là những bộ

sưu tập NFT Blue-chip như #CryptoPunks, #EtherRocks, #BAYC, #MAYC, #Doodles, #Azuki, Pudgy Penguins, CloneX hay Autoglyphs để phát hành ra #pUSD (stablecoin) hoặc #pETH.

Có thể hiểu rằng pUSD và pETH sẽ là trọng tâm trong việc phát triển của JPEG'd bao gồm xây
Read 40 tweets
Monday Top Crypto News.

Everything you need to know in one short thread…
The new episode of our newsletter was released last night, which includes our take on the current #macro environment.

Read it and sign up here…
Signature Bank’s crypto-related deposits will be returned to customers directly, rather than being taken over by a unit of #NewYork Community #Bancorp under a deal announced Sunday.
Read 10 tweets
NFT市場大部份floor price都下跌,我看到很多人們普遍認為是 @blur_io 的原因,但事實真的是這樣嗎?


再者,如果真的提供”買盤流動性”就可以摧毁nft,那 #BAYC 早就跌穿 USD 60000 再進入螺旋式向下的死亡螺旋了

不要忘記,早前有人一口氣沽出71隻BAYC,floor price完全沒有太大的影響,雖然短線跌到58左右,但極速回升到72

Read 22 tweets
I am getting many questions about earning ETH by staking $APE after last tweet.

🔵So let's🔎out how I earn 28 ETH in the last 3m
🔵The best is that you don't need an Ape, MAYC, or 🐶 to be part of it. Only by holding $APE you can earn passively also

There are two ways I like👇

🔵 Easiest way is to buy $APE and stake it on the official staking platform from @apecoin DAO.

🔵 Actual APR for $APE pool is 72%, 1,000 $APE (2.68E) will earn you the next three months 2 $APE per day, 14 $APE per week, 56 $APE per month.
🔵 But as you can see in the 🖼️ above. There are more lucrative ways how to earn more.
👉 BAYC pool (126% APR)
👉 MAYC p. (133%)
👉 BAKC p. (137%)

🔵 Only way to get into this pool is to own #BAYC or #MAYC. 🐶 can be paired only with BAYC or MAYC.
🔵 Actual earnings per day👇
Read 9 tweets
What is @OthersideMeta for 10-year-old?

Based published litepaper

🧵👇 Image
1/10🔥 Otherside is a new virtual world that uses NFTs and web3 technology to create an amazing and immersive gaming experience.
2/10🔥 Otherside is built for and by the community, meaning you can have a say in what new systems, content, and mechanics should be added. Image
Read 15 tweets
When 2nd Trip?

2nd Trip will take place on Saturday, March 25, 2023 (exact time TBA). #Voyagers will be able to enter the experience 15 minutes prior to the start of 2nd Trip.

Accessing 2nd Trip

Voyagers holding #Otherdeeds will have the opportunity to attend the 2nd Trip, provided that they arrive at the experience on time and before the main story begins. Voyagers will also have the ability to invite a guest to the 2nd Trip.
Yuga will provide more details on how the guest pass invitations will work in the coming weeks. Once 2nd Trip reaches capacity, Voyagers will no longer be able to join the experience. Voyagers will have priority access over guest passes entering into the experience.
Read 8 tweets
#NFT 交易之后,盘点 #NFT借贷 细分领域的潜在变化。
2⃣️#BAYC 及其直系NFT开启挖矿( $APE )功能;

当前NFT以 #PFP 类为主,缺乏借NFT的需求,导致NFT借贷行为只发生在单边,即抵押 #NFT 借 $ETH 等币种,没有抵押ETH等币种借NFT的。

NFT借贷分为 #点对点#点对池 两种模式,两种模式的代表项目及其优缺点如下
#BendDAO #ParaSpace #NFTfi #X2Y2 #JPEG'd Image
其中点对池模式的效率要高于点对点模式,从币币借贷龙头 #AAVE 发展也可以看出,其借贷模式从早期的(ETHLend)点对点转变为现在的点对池模式。

因NFT具有的唯一性,似乎点对点模式更适合,但从当前各方面(#借贷规模#用户#TVL)数据来看,点对池模式逐渐占优。 ImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
I used min pay 3Eth to purchase the 15Eth MAYC on @ParaSpace_NFT and that MAYC can still be staking in the share pool on Para Space. Cool af? I will show you how to do it. #bayc #mayc #NFTFi…
First of all, I staked MAYC on ParaSpace and borrow 2042 apes for staking. Liquidation free. And I got extra credit for the borrowing limit.

Then, I go to NFT Shop on ParaSpace and start Shopping! I just need Min Pay of 3E and I got my second MAYC (15E). Now, I have a debt of 12E with APY 25-29% (approx 3.5E/Year, 0.01E/day)

然後我到ParaSpace上面的NFT Shop上面開始Shopping!我只用了3E買了第二隻M……
Read 7 tweets
Une Whale vend 1 010 NFT, pour un montant total de 11 680 $ETH, en 48 heures.

C'est le "plus grand dump de #NFT jamais réalisé".

Cela comprenait 90 #BAYC, 191 #MAYC et 308 NFTs #Otherdeed ...
La whale NFT se nomme Jeffrey Hwang, plus connu sous le nom de Machi Big Brother.
Il a rapidement racheté 991 de ses NFT.
Andrew Thurman a émis l'hypothèse que cela a été réalisé en vu des récompenses en jetons BLUR prévu pour le 2eme airdrop.

Read 4 tweets
Royalties for Art for HODL’ng vs Royalties (or lack thereof) for more tradeable PFPs via aligned incentives.

Maybe it's not either:or?

Hear me out on why all this can still be a net positive as the space matures. An attempt at a 🧵🧵 on the subject...
Royalties for Art: I personally believe artists deserve to sell their art, and a perk of NFTs from the moment I joined the space was the tech’s ability to monetize ongoing income thanks to appreciation and/or their art changing hands. (2/13)
(R4A Cont'd) With lower supply collections and especially 1/1 art @SuperRare has shown its continued prowess. Can something similar remain? Via any/all marketplaces where its set up as such? I feel many agree as to where a collection or #NFT asset belongs categorically (3/13)
Read 13 tweets
This is how the @BoredApeYC cult is reacting to the fact that @yugalabs (a $4 billion company) stole their logo from an “Easy Drawing Guide”

Isn’t this fraud & copyright infringement? #BAYC #nfts Image
Credit - @Ivan87403 Image
Clear copies from @DooggiesNFT which were one of the first NFT collections on ETH ImageImage
Read 4 tweets

@JPEGd_69 - Maker DAO của ngôi làng NFT đầy tiềm năng

Thread bao gồm:
👉 Tổng quan dự án
👉 Mô hình hoạt động
👉 Sự khác biệt của JPEG'd
👉 Core team
👉 Tokenomics

Retweet để ủng hộ đội ngũ phát triển của @HakResearch nhen cả nhà ơi Image

👉 Tổng quan dự án

#JPEG’d là một giao thức cho vay phi tập trung trên Ethereum cho phép chủ sở hữu NFT thế chấp tài sản của mình để mint ra PUSd (stablecoin của giao thức) hoặc pETH (tài sản phái sinh Ethereum).

Hiện tại nền tảng JPEG’d chỉ hỗ trợ

các bộ sưu tập: #CryptoPunks, #EtherRocks, #BAYC, MAYC, Doodles, Azuki, Pudgy Penguins, Clonex, Autolyphs,...

JPEG'd sử dụng cơ chế cho vay giao thức ngang hàng, giá NFT được định giá theo giá sàn và đảm bảo bởi Chainlink Oracles. Điều này có nghĩa là giao thức
Read 28 tweets
1/ We saw how interest income could be misleading unless we add in accrual based accounting from our income statement. So how can we use this information to see if $veBEND might be worth holding?

#BendDAO #Web3 #NFT #BAYC Image
2/ Holding $veBEND is similar to owning stocks and receiving dividends in tradfi. In web3, the “dividend” or return is difficult to keep track. The rate of return (ROR) fluctuates over time. Hence, one needs a way to track and accurately calculate the expected return.

#Crypto Image
3/ Additionally, many may think that the APR represents the return, but it doesn’t. There are many APRs involved, and you need additional calculations to assess the true return as a $veBEND holder.

Read 4 tweets
1/20 There's growing sentiment that @RTFKT's not focusing enough on #CloneX as god-tier of ecosystem. In reality OGs have received every drop, but RTKFT's taking a siloed approach in creating greater aggregated collection value. A🧵 to explain, why it hasn't worked & how it can:
Unlike a lot of other NFTs, RTFKT is a multifaceted brand aiming to provide EVERYTHING you could possibly want in a digital metaverse-ready identity. From gamified shoe leveling to luxury 'phygitals'. But that scope also means not everyone might want to participate in each part.
This is why separating the different parts into ecosystems makes sense and Clones have gotten free access to each new vertical - with option to stick around or cashing-out. Now Clones are demanding that everything be tied to the pfp rather than the initial ecosystem base drops.
Read 20 tweets
1) The study of on-chain analysis is often difficult and overwhelming.

Tracking wallet-holdings however is incredibly rewarding and a game-changer.

What if YOU could spend less than 1 minute and see everything in a visual map? 🧵👇
2) Blockchain has blessed us with a new level of transparancy.

Gone are the days of hiding holdings or secret transactions.

Each token has its own explorer page like the example below 👇

Raw data is easily accessible but how unattractive and unorganized does this look?
3) What if you could visualize this data in a map with bubbles?


• Each bubble represents a single wallet.
• The most important wallets are shown.
• The bubble size represented the wallet size.
• Two bubbles are connected if there's at least one historical transaction
Read 14 tweets
《BAYC新游戏Dookey Dash的冲榜攻略》


BAYC的新游戏Dookey Dash几分钟前推出。


#BAYC #MAYC #YugaLabs #dookeydash Image
Dookey Dash是一个基于技能的铸造活动,也是BAYC在 "猴子吉米的审判 "方向的下一个大项目。


(2/11) Image

好吧,但你如何获得高分呢?通过我玩Dookey Dash的体验,以下是我的发现。

Read 12 tweets
1/ 上线一个月的$APE Staking数据表现如何?

目前,$APE Staking已经正式上线31天,超过8900万$APE参与了质押。我们经通过这个长推回顾一下上线以来APE Staking的数据表现。


在$APE开启Staking之前,链上数据显示,$APE 代币持有者和 #BAYC /#MAYC/#BAKC 持有者之间存在巨大的不匹配。

12月时的分析表明,#BAYC#MAYC 的质押收益率将大大高于单独APE代币的质押收益率。

Read 7 tweets
🚨Massive NFTs have been hacked including multiple #BAYC & #CryptoPunks & #Meetbits of @CryptoNovo311, the total hacked value is $6M+.

We identify the whole process and hacker address, and those funds ended up in @ChangeNOW_io. Image
Before his NFT got transferred, it seems he approved the hacked collection to
0x8e25ab3382ad5bde35a09e72d3b9a851a7cc8d00 (0x8e)
and then 0x8e transfer all NFT to:
0x43ca3957a188ee03da87d6bed138bcc8d5c3d7a0(0x43) ImageImage
0x43 takes all the offers and swapped the $ETH he gets to $ETH and goes to #changenow.

(hacker tries to confuse others but with money flow, you can clearly see where the $ETH goes) Image
Read 6 tweets

Leave #CEX behind, the real crypto trading is and has always been the OTC one

Almost 70% of crypto trades are OTC, and a new protocol will soon capitalize on these HUGE volumes

A deep-dive on $GIGA🔎
👇🧵 Image

TL;DR 🎙️

@gigaswapfinance is an OTC trading platform where you can cut the middlemen forever in crypto and #NFT trades 💱

The platform will provide security for the trading while taking the smallest fee you can find 💸 Image
@gigaswapfinance 3/

$GIGA Overview:

Price: $0.00005320
Market Cap: $4.83M
Supply: 100B $GIGA
Holders: 2K

Pump soon? 👀 Image
Read 23 tweets

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