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Jan 4, 2022, 6 tweets

🌺Benefits of chanting Sunderkand Path of Ramayan🌺

Whether it is Sunderkand in Valmiki Ramayan or in Tulsidas Ramayan, it is very powerful to chant with many benefits attached to it.

1) This chant invokes the blessings of Prabhu Ram and Sri Hanuman.

2) Hanuman completes a Herculean task of Prabhu Ram in this chapter. Therefore, fulfilling our task is very easy for him.
3) Reading Sunderkand ensures Hanumanji protects us from disease, enemy and any other type of threat.

4) Hanumanji is gyan gun sagar so he blesses us with immense knowledge and energy to carry out any task. Mangal murti is another name given to him meaning giver of auspiciousness but he is also connected to planet Mars in Vedic astrology.

Praying to him we can remove the ill-effects of planet Mars in our horoscope and enhances its positivity.

6) Hanumanji had saved planet Saturn on many occasions therefore a Hanuman bhakt receives the blessings of Shani dev.

7) Chanting the different sarghas or sub-chapters of Valmiki Ramayana Sunderkand has spiritual benefits. For example chanting of the third Sargha, is said to remove negative forces in one’s life.

Chapter 13 uplifts and rejuvenates the mind, Chapter 27 rids one’s sleep of bad dreams ensuring a peaceful sleep and Chapter 41 grants the wishes of a sadhaka.There are many such benefits of chanting the Sunderkand and what better day to start than Tuesday or Saturday.

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