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There is nothing government can give you that it hasn't taken from you in the first place. - Churchill #conservativesforcrombie ❤️=appreciation, not agreement

Jan 5, 2022, 5 tweets

City of #Toronto Covid-19 update, Jan 5. Serious cases (hospitalizations and/or fatal) are well below one year ago. This weeks number will increase significantly though, due to lag in episode date.
#COVID19Ontario #onpoli

City of #Toronto Covid-19 update, Jan 5. ICU occupancy is well below one year ago. CRCI = covid related critical illness.

City of #Toronto Covid-19 update, Jan 5. ICU capacity is in good shape.

City of #Toronto Covid-19 update, Jan 5. Current hospitalizations with Covid have eclipsed levels from this time last year. The number is questionable though with the City reporting 161 vs the Provinces 323!?!

City of #Toronto Covid-19 update, Jan 5.
Since Dec 1, by episode date, only 33 have been admitted to ICU with Covid. 24 were age 60+ and 9 under 60. In line with provincial trends:

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