J Michael Waller Profile picture
Senior Analyst for Strategy, Center for Security Policy. Author, "Big Intel: How the CIA & FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains" (2024)

Jan 7, 2022, 6 tweets

Has anybody identified the J6 Capitol attack units designated in green tape, like the individuals in this photo?

This unit is at the vanguard of the storming of the stairs to the terrace level, Senate side of the West Front.

#January6thCommittee doesn't seem interested.

Orange armbands on Peace Monument/Civil War Sailors Monument, J6 2021, 1:06 PM. Within minutes of Ray Epps leading tip of the spear through Capitol Police barrier. Any significance? People up there were goading unsuspecting crowd members to "move forward." flickr.com/photos/1924011…

1:36 PM, January 6, 2021: Green tape unit designator markers on individuals wearing tactical gear, goggles and respirators. At top of walkway to crypt level of Capitol, West Front, Senate side. Some might be same as above. flickr.com/photos/1924011…

1:55 PM, near same area as above, white helmets marked with green tape. flickr.com/photos/1924011…

2:04 PM, minutes before rush up stairs to break into Senate side. Orange tape. Part of orange unit? What's in the PVC pipe? flickr.com/photos/1924011…

2:24 PM, after 2:09 break-in, at base of same stairs to Senate: two white helmets with red "X" designators. Part of a unit? flickr.com/photos/1924011…

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