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Jan 7, 2022, 8 tweets

@MntyP1 @knigotnik @systemanalysen They can't explain it. But it's quite easy. The excess is dominated by 85+. Those are fragile people, and having had 2 years lockdowns and panic is not healthy. In Sweden this group is doing fine, as living a social life as mammals are supposed to live. See here.

@MntyP1 @knigotnik @systemanalysen Both SWE and NL have vaxx levels of 95% in this group. It's irrelevant for the excess. No vaxx can make a damage at this level like NL. It's the lockdown, fear and isolation. Prisoners don't live long. If we continue, we can probably reduce life expectancy by 10 years.

@MntyP1 @knigotnik @systemanalysen This excess is also in the 75-84 cohort in NL. Also 93% vaxxed in both countries. Nothing in SWE. It's the lockdown. Isolation and fear is unhealthy for social mammal life. Destroys resilience. I bet it's all cardiovascular and respiratory. @rubenivangaalen @KoudijsHenk

@MntyP1 @knigotnik @systemanalysen @rubenivangaalen @KoudijsHenk Below 65, it's looking ok.

Have we not heard that old people often die when they loose their partner? Why is this the case?

We are not designed to live in fear, anxiety and isolation. Add low vitamin D levels, lack of sports, lack of healthy food and missed treatments.

@MntyP1 @knigotnik @systemanalysen @rubenivangaalen @KoudijsHenk This excess is BTW also seen in all neighbouring countries of Sweden. Only Sweden is doing fine. Only Sweden didn't implement tyranny. That's the underlying root cause.
Shame on the Netherlands! For what they did to old, young and their society as a whole.

@MntyP1 @knigotnik @systemanalysen @rubenivangaalen @KoudijsHenk What's even further appoling is the behavior of @statistiekcbs. They push the Simpson's confounding story using all age averages of vaccination levels and all age excess to claim too low vaccination as root cause. How wrong. E.g. here:

cc. @wouterkeller

@MntyP1 @knigotnik @systemanalysen @rubenivangaalen @KoudijsHenk @statistiekcbs @wouterkeller Vaccination levels 85+

DNK: 99% and they have 85+ excess.
SWE: >93% and they have 85+ under mortality.
FI: >95% and they have 85+ excess.
NL: >93% and they GIANT excess in 85+

NL 5k/100k

Too low vaccination/ Covid? No @rubenivangaalen !

=Lockdown, fear, isolation (2 years!)

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