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🇨🇦 Canadian First. Real Estate, Financial Analytics, Gov’t Policy, Historical Archivist, blue sky: @jasononthedrums.bsky.social

Jan 8, 2022, 14 tweets

#Ableg News 🧵:

Happy New Year Alberta!

I REALLY hoped 2022 would give the @UCPCaucus a fresh start, Inwas horribly wrong:

😡 Kenney insults Asians (Story #1)
🤦🏻‍♂️ UCP MLA ignores Covid restrictions (#12)
❤️‍🩹 Victims of Crime Lose Help (#13)

Let’s explore 13 bad news UCP stories

#Ableg News 🧵

1. Kenney started off 2022 just like he did January 2021 - apologizing to Albertans!

Instead of being sorry for travelling UCP MLA’s, it was for denigrating the Asian community.

Critics argued Kenney didn’t apologize, rather sorry people were offended. 🤦🏻‍♂️

#Ableg News 🧵

2. After Kenney slashed BILLIONS from Alberta’s post secondary institutions, despite increased workloads, Concordia University faculty was forced to strike affecting ~2,500 students

The UofA,UofL & Mount Royal University are also headed in the same direction

#Ableg News 🧵

3. Due to a lack of resources, low staffing and overwhelming cases. AHS is no longer offering contact tracing or report cases for highly vulnerable child care facilities,

This means that providers or parents will NOT be told about any risk of exposure. 😳

#Ableg News 🧵

4. ❤️‍🩹: More than 68,200 Albertans have or are expected to develop long term and potentially debilitating symptoms of long-COVID, AHS estimates

The majority of those suffering are Albertan children

These are “optimistic” numbers before Omicron impacts Alberta.

#Ableg News 🧵

5. Ooof!

Despite Kenney’s bravado that Alberta is the “destination of choice for Canadian’s to relocate”, a new poll suggests less than half (49%) would feel “comfortable” living in Alberta under Jason Kenney and the UCP.

#Ableg News 🧵

The EMS crisis continues!

6. On Monday night, 1,744,000 Albertan’s went without ANY ambulance service

7. Since Monday there has been OVER 450 instances of Alberta’s Ambulance services being dropped, no ambulances available or more than 30-minutes to respond

#Ableg News 🧵

8. Family physicians around Alberta expressed SERIOUS concern about the UCP’s decision to recommend self-reports to family physicians instead of through other means.

Doctors cite the UCP are ignoring AHS has the capacity to expand capacity to do the PCR testing

#Ableg News 🧵

9. During a BRUTAL presser, LaGrange was asked by 12 YO @wyattsharpe8 why she used Ontario as a comparison to go online since Ontario took stronger actions & Alberta’s worse covid #/capita, despite being 2-wks behind

LaGrange gave a quick answer & walked away.

#Ableg News 🧵:

10. At another presser, Dr Hinshaw announced AHS will no longer investigate COVID-19 cases within schools.

As a result, school COVID-19 outbreaks will NOT be reported on the GoA website, and schools will not send case notification messages home to parents.

#Ableg News 🧵

11. The Edmonton Public School board posted an open letter of concern to Adriana LaGrange about the lack of supports and rise of omicron.

The EPSB Superintendent made a request on December 29 due to operational concerns: but LaGrange did not respond.

#Ableg News 🧵:

12. @UCPCaucus MLA Dale Nally IGNORED Kenney’s Covid19 restrictions saying masking at all times, and no food and drink at hockey arenas.

When asked if Kenney would take action as promised, his staffer @JustinBrattinga attacked a former NDP MLA instead.

#Anleg News Thread:

This one is the worst yet;

13. As highlighted by the incredible @ntighe, the UCP broke their promise to provide funding to victims of crime in 2022.

To be clear; this was a major promise made; an important one, and the UCP will leave them with nothing.

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