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(오러리) KR/EN translations for the 12 #LOONA #이달의소녀 members🌙 #artms #loossemble #chuu #yves | Part of fansub team: @gointosubbit

Jan 8, 2022, 25 tweets

[EN] 220108 #LOONA Orbit Ring online fansign thread
Chuu: If you're ever having a hard time just call me, I'll give the other person a scolding. Hey!! Why you little... Like that.

Q: Any plans for game vlive or content?
Olivia Hye: I wanted to play Among us, since we have many members, with 12 members. It would be fun to all play together. Right? I think it would be fun to have a match with Orbits too. I'll try asking about it.

OP wishes for Chuu to sing a CHEEZE song
Chuu: Oh I saw, people have been requesting me to sing CHEEZE songs for a while now.
OP asks for a line from a CHEEZE Song real quick

CHEEZE - Mood Indigo

OP said Yves looked so great with her ponytail in the Season's Greetings

Kim Lip: I didn't plan on putting on a headband but I ended up putting one on. I was debating about it...
Thank you.

OP: Hello, greetings to Go Won princess from Kirbyland
(Go Won laughs, then indicates OP to go on)

It's 10:19! Heejin time!

Heejin: Oh I know it, I saw it as soon as it came out.
[Super Yuppers challenge]

Heejin: [Eleven challenge]

Have you done this yet? The 'cheers' that I made up? "Ib aeseo Ibeuro~" You have? Good job.
(It sounds like "from mouth to mouth" / pun on "from mouth to Yves")

Something Go Won wants to attempt as she turns 23: getting a driver's license

OP told Olivia Hye that her makeup was cute today
Olivia Hye: "Depending on who, people may feel differently, but that's the first time I heard that today"

Yeojin: Happy new year to unnie too. See you at the concert! Love you!

Haseul: Be happy! Take all my happiness too! Bye!

Chuu recommends watching fan youtube channels when feeling tired, she herself feels better after watching vids of the other members, rather than clips of herself

OP: It's great seeing you on vlive so much
Yeojin: I think we'll be doing fewer vlives now
OP: could you fix one thing? my heart
Yeojin: I don't know how to fix that, I only know how to make it hurt more?

OP: Ok sure drop by more often to make it hurt more
Yeojin: OK I'll make it hurt more! Happy new year! Bye

OP mentioned all the singing Lip did on vlive yesterday
Kim Lip: Yeah, Orbits have been asking me for a while but I kept on going like "next time, next time" and I wondered if I seemed too avoiding, so I did that yesterday. I didn't plan that yesterday.

Q: Plans for this year?
Haseul: The soonest thing..? Can I say? Next week I'm doing a vlive. I don't know if it'll be a video vlive or a voice-only vlive, but I'm doing one. Don't know if I'm gonna get in trouble from the communication team unnie now..

(Yeojin: [staff] unnie!! Haseul unnie caused an accident!!)
Haseul: No I didn't!! Bye! Yeah this was nothing~ Bye!

OP mentions Lip missing Show Champion because she were sick
Kim Lip: Yeah,
OP: All better now?
Lip: Yeah, since a bit ago.
OP: So you can dance to Yummy Yummy now?
Lip: ... I don't know the choreo! Because it changed again!

OP: huh you did fine
Lip: Well it's easy so I'd probably be able to!

Chuu says her mom's really thankful for people like OP making fan youtube channels

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