Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

Jan 9, 2022, 29 tweets

🧵Skeptic MPs team up with members from disinformation groups Collateral Global, HART and the Great Barrington Declaration to pen a letter demanding an end to child vaccination

Put out via Toby Young Daily Skeptic by Will Jones, who doesnt mention hes a HART member

2/ I warned about this APPG right from the start, its funded by the opaquely funded Collateral Global who also act as secretariat, its a continuation of the Great Barrington Declaration linked to Koch institutions

3/ For those that aren't aware GBD are the key pushers of the herd immunity strategy, they are linked to the AIER,

Collateral Global won't reveal their funders, yet they've used this money to buy a parliamentary group

More on GBD here⬇️

4/ Anyway, let's have a look at the Daily Skeptic article and this letter

They claim the benefits of vax were marginal, and now Omicron is here there is even less risk to children

They claim natural immunity is far superior to vaccination

5/ This completely contradicts the evidence, Omicron is leading to record numbers of child hospitalisations around the world, US data shows vaccination has a considerable impact on the risk of a child being hospitalised

They start with a false assumption

6/ "Unfathomable decision to approve vaccination"

This group have constantly argued that child vax is a political decision, children should be allowed to be infected

They've also been very selective with this CDC quote who have shown vax is far more preferable to infection

7/ Here's Collateral Global/GBD author Gupta saying no one under 30 should be vaccinated!

Notice this was on Lucy Johnsons of the Express's podcast
This whole network of interlinked groups really love infecting kids

8/ The letter starts with quoting the JCVIs analysis, issue is the JCVI analysis of the harms of Covid on children were questionable, relying on limited studies which used total population rather than estimated infections as a denominator for risk

9/ They quote David Paton's analysis on impact to learning of vaccination, originally done for UsForThem when they previously tried to halt 12-15 vax

Paton is a member of HART, writes for Spectator and is an "expert" witness for the APPGs covid inquiry that lockdowns dont work

10/ He claims that time off from vaccine reactions leads to more disruption to learning that allowing covid to just rip through schools

They all just ignore Long Covid, too inconvenient when your promoting mass infection without vaccination

11/ They claim vaccinations aren't needed because we pretty much have herd immunity...

Yes they are still flogging that dead horse

12/ They then quote a very questionable study regarding myocarditis in boys thats received a lot more press than it deserves

13/ "We suspect the benefits of vaccinating children has evaporated"
"Negligible risks of covidnto children"
"Benefits of infection"

More suggesting infection is better than vaccination

14/ They also claim vaccination provides zero benefit after 3 months and that vaccination doesn't prevent infection or transmission, an already tired trope

15/ GBD have consistently argued that only the elderly and vulnerable actually need vaccination and we see that here

Also "50 years of healthy life expectancy is an interesting choice of phrase considering eugenics allegations leveled at the GBD

16/ Their summary says we need to reasses vaccine harms and "superior natural immunity"

Quite remarkable really

17/ Actually Gupta has now gone one further and now says only over 70s need vaccinating, its minimising to the point its pretty much become denialism

18/ List of signatories, these are the "freedom fighters" who want to remove from parents the freedom to choose if their children are vaccinated

19/ I would love to know what data this lot are looking at to claim Omicron is negligible for children

This is dangerous disinformation and its appalling how this is coming out of an APPG

20/ These MPs are also involved in the CRG, whose own funding is deeply questionable having recieved money from Luke Johnson who runs a risk management company and appeared at a Pandata event

21/ Besides GBD signatories the letter also includes HART members including Paton, Quinn, and Lord Moonie who is also in the House of Lords

#HARTleaks proved this group are antivaxxers intent on producing disinformation and dodgy stats

Their own words⬇️

22/ Another signatory was Philip Thomas whose model in March 2020 claimed lockdowns would kill hundreds of thousands, now writing spectacularly wrong predictions in the Spectator

23/ Will Jones who put this out is a HART member, Daily Skeptic is a constant source of disinformation praised by the AIER who were behind the GBD, hes quoting his own group who are quoting themselves as evidence

Expect TalkRadio to cover this too

24/ GB news have also been pushing the narrative that children shouldn't have the choice of vaccination, they are covering the Letter, they are knowingly platforming disinformation

25/ Lucy Johnson from the Express has been actively working with disinformation groups to undermine vaccination was also quick off the press to promote the APPG/Collateral Global letter

No suprise to see Molly from UsForThem jumping onto this

26/ Lucy Johnson is just one of several in the print media who are part of a deliberate disinformation campaign.

27/ Its alarming to see how Tory MPs and a chunk of the media have embraced dangerous pseudoscience backed by opaquely funded groups.

Media are the ones who are supposed to be calling this out, instead they are driving it.

Its disgraceful.

End of 🧵

28/ Switch on @LBC to hear Tominey interviewing Brookes, signatory of the GBD and this new APPG letter, he talks about the letter and how it asks important questions, doesn't mention he wrote it

Quoting themselves again,
Tomineys been involved with HART

29/ Also the myocarditis claims in the MPs letter made use of self reported unverified VAER system to produce these statistics, VAER states its data cant be used to draw correlations,this is a standard antivax tactic

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