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Jan 9, 2022, 9 tweets

For those of you who are new to $FTM, or for those of you that have been here a while but have been living under a rock, OR a simple refresher…

A look for what is to come soon, and why you should be bullish af:


1: @harryyeh announced in late October that he was going to partner with @cz_binance to host the VERY first central exchange that is EXCLUSIVE to one blockchain… WELCOME @Felix_Exchange ran on Binance cloud services…

2: What does this mean?
Liquidity has always been an issue and until recently it has been difficult to get a hold of $FTM through central exchanges, no coin base and only a recent launch of $FTM on Binance for US citizen’s…

3: The ability to be able to purchase FTM is super crucial for the price to go up, and a lot of this comes from central exchanges.. obvious I know but this has been holding back the full potential of $FTM. BUT THAT IS NOT ALL.

4: People find getting into DeFi quite difficult and it can be confusing at times, bridging, dexes, swaps, lp’s, farms, it is overwhelming to begin with… this exchange is going to change everything…. why?

5: You are going to be able to go straight ahead by logging onto @Felix_Exchange and purchase the DeFi token you wish to use, the first place to be able to buy ecosystem coins through a CEX, (a sneak preview into the tokens that are about to be available)

6: With the rumoured big launch COMING soon by @harryyeh we can expect a launch shortly! 👀👀

7: THIS IS HUGE NEWS for the @FantomFDN ECOSYSTEM, I really hope you have been discount shopping anon, these coins are NOT priced in (not financial advice), coins can apply to be listed here so you are likely to see your favourite projects have the accesibility they need for..




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