Robert ₿reedlove Profile picture
Freedom Maximalist. #Bitcoin. Creator of the "What is Money?" Show: a podcast about Wisdom, Intelligence, and Meaning. (reposts ≠ endorsements)

Jan 9, 2022, 11 tweets

A #Bitcoin masterpiece has been written by @johnkvallis, and Sunday is the perfect day to immerse yourself in this beautiful work of art...

"Money Messiah" uncovers the consequences of corrupt money better than anything I've ever read.

Quick thread⬇️:…

One of the most profound lessons the study of #Bitcoin, money, and economics will teach you is that the materialist perspective is incomplete. For humans, motivational significance matters more than any substantive reality...

A civilizational paradox: as we strive to push back the uncertainties of entropy through capital accumulation and the establishment of socioeconomic protocols, we run the risk of creating a tyrannies of excessive order. To succeed, we must surf a knife-edge of order and chaos...

Through our contentions with one another and the constraints of physical reality, we discover the contours of nature (human and nonhuman) and encode this knowledge into our "mythic structures" including the property rights and legal systems comprising nation-states.

When these "mythic structures" evolve in a way that is divergent from their purpose, "heroes" are called to courageously face the unknown and discover new, useful information necessary to reengineer our hierarchies in congruence with the contours of human and nonhuman nature.

This makes the hero (and its modern embodiment, the entrepreneur) a necessarily revolutionary figure. To contend with the unknown successfully, "articles of faith" are essential mechanisms for the entrepreneur to guide himself. Of these, none is more paramount than honest money.

When the "article of faith" of money is corrupt, it distorts the feedback loops between entrepreneurial efforts and outcomes, leading to rickety construction jobs on our many "mythic structures." To be honest, money must be as limited in supply as the time/energy it emblematizes.

Closely related to the concept of limitation is value, which humans use to prioritize their actions and assemble social hierarchies. Money is the social technology which communicates value with the highest fidelity—that's why it is our oldest and most important tool.

As the language of common economic numeracy, money is the primary link among human minds worldwide and humanity's many social hierarchies. When this language is congruent with the truth of time/energy scarcity, it harmonizes human action. When it is not, societies self-destruct.

I could go on and on about this work of art by @johnkvallis, but to truly appreciate the magnitude of his accomplishment, you'll have to read it all yourself.

A timeless piece of literature, this work answers the question "What is Money?" with elegance and force.

#Bitcoin is incorruptible money, and therefore it holds great promise to purify humanity's many hierarchies.

Thank you for your work @johnkvallis 🙏

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