Robert ₿reedlove Profile picture
Freedom Maximalist. #Bitcoin. Creator of the "What is Money?" Show: a podcast about Wisdom, Intelligence, and Meaning. (reposts ≠ endorsements)
23 subscribers
Feb 20 5 tweets 3 min read
Bitcoin mining has changed dramatically over the past decade. From GPUs in a garage to Tier-1 Datacenters filled with ASICs, Bitcoin mining is a rapidly evolving, global game.

But this game isn’t just played by massive corporations. In fact, 2025 could be a significant year for smaller, private Bitcoin miners. Let’s look at the data 🧵👇Image This is the golden age of Bitcoin mining.

2025 is on pace to be the highest grossing year for Bitcoin mining in history. In January, miners earned a combined ~$1.4 billion in revenue (equal to a ~$16.8B annual run-rate).

Between 2025 and 2032, roughly 1,000,000 BTC will enter circulation via mining. After the 2032 halving, it will take more than 100 years to mine the remaining ~328,000 BTC. Said another way, ~98% of all Bitcoin that will ever exist will be mined 2032. This means the final 108 years of Bitcoin mining will be a competition to uncover the last 2% of the Bitcoin supply.

The next few years of this “digital gold rush” are crucial – there’s a lot of Bitcoin up for grabs.Image
Feb 22, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I am behind on the past few @WhatisMoneyShow episode announcements, and since we have been releasing some absolute bangers, here is a quick thread on our recent releases: Whitney Webb (@_whitneywebb) is a professional writer, researcher, journalist, and host of an independent podcast called Unlimited Hangout. We discuss deep state power, Jeffrey Epstein's case, and corruption at the highest levels.…
Aug 17, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Extremely excited to announce the release of The Platonic Philosophy Series today on The @WhatisMoneyShow! The eminent philosopher @vervaeke_john joins me for a 10-hour conversation on the masterful book "Plato's Critique of Impure Reason."

Quick thread outlining each episode⬇️ Episode 1 "A Logic of Violence" explores the way is which sophistic relativism inevitably descends into violence, and why a proper relationship with the absolute is necessary for live well-lived.
Jan 24, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
In another binge-style release, I am excited to announce The Balaji Series episodes 1 - 7 are now live on The @WhatisMoneyShow !!

In this insight-packed conversation, @balajis and I explore sovereignty in The Digital Age, geopolitics, #Bitcoin, and more.

The Balaji Series is also available in podcast format.

Here is the link to episode 1 of the 7-part series:…
Jan 9, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
A #Bitcoin masterpiece has been written by @johnkvallis, and Sunday is the perfect day to immerse yourself in this beautiful work of art...

"Money Messiah" uncovers the consequences of corrupt money better than anything I've ever read.

Quick thread⬇️:… One of the most profound lessons the study of #Bitcoin, money, and economics will teach you is that the materialist perspective is incomplete. For humans, motivational significance matters more than any substantive reality...
Jan 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Finally releasing episode 1 of what may prove to be one of the most profound series ever produced on The @WhatisMoneyShow...

Join Mike Hill and I as we dive deep into Robert Pirsig's excellent book "Lila: An Inquiry into Morals."

In this under-appreciated book, Pirsig proposes an alternative to subject-object metaphysics which he calls the Metaphysics of Quality. In this view, reality is composed of distinct patterns of value, not substance.

Here is the podcast version of ep 1:…
Dec 17, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Here is the most painful piece I have ever written: "Sovereignism Part 8: Everywhere and Nowhere" exploring market dynamics, the nature of fiat, #Bitcoin, and the mass-psychosis of totalitarianism.…

Quick thread of a few excerpts from this written work⬇️ "Humans not only trade goods, and the ideas on which they are based, but they also imitate one another’s actions in waves of mimetic exchange—imitative patterns of action directly responsible for the development and propagation of ritual, culture, and social institutions."
Dec 9, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
"The Purges Have Begun with Jeffrey A. Tucker (WiM089)" is now live on The @WhatisMoneyShow !!

@jeffreyatucker joins me for an enlightening conversation on the precious nature of human freedom, and the fight for it in the world today.

This episode is also available in podcast format here:…
Nov 21, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
In celebration of November 21st, The @WhatisMoneyShow is releasing the Pysh Series (6 episodes total) all at once, today. In The Pysh Series, @PrestonPysh and I explore two books:

1. The Brain by David Eagleman

2. The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

Episode thread⬇️ Ep. 1: Money as an Extension of Mind

Nov 10, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
"WiM070 - The Hillebrand Series | Episode 11 | The Moral Status of Statism" is now live on The @WhatisMoneyShow !!

@HillebrandMax and I dive deeper into libertarianism, this time exploring the morality of citizenship, state relations, #Bitcoin, and war.

The Hillebrand Series episode 11 is also available in podcast format here:…
Sep 20, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Hey @elonmusk:

In 1900, Nikola Tesla envisaged "a principled machine" as the end of war. Today, that machine is #Bitcoin

“...a machine embodying a higher principle, which will enable it to perform its duties as though it had intelligence, experience, judgement, a mind!” The difficulty adjustment of #Bitcoin makes it the world’s first “intelligent” money: it forever shifts the game of property into digital space, and makes the battle of establishing consensus on ownership “a mere spectacle, a play, a contest without loss of blood.”
May 21, 2021 46 tweets 14 min read
Thread in response to @jordanbpeterson's inquiry about @profplum99's recently published disparagement of #Bitcoin and Bitcoiners.

CLAIM: “Namely, that our inevitable flaws, including our lack of perfect foresight, require guardrails to reduce the risk of unintended consequences, like, for example, speculation in “low-risk” mortgages that drove a global financial crisis.”
May 18, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Private property rights can equally be called private property responsibilities. A proprietor is incentivized to take responsibility for the assets he owns to maximize the usefulness and longevity of the rights they bestow upon him. "Give a man the secure possession of a bleak rock and watch him turn it into a garden.

Give a man a 9-year lease on a garden and watch him convert it into a desert.

The magic of property turns sand into gold."
Mar 12, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
New writing up on my Medium page:

Sovereignism Part 2: #Bitcoin, The Ultimate Offshore Bank… International waters have historically been the greatest geographic safe haven from nation-states. Gamblers, pirates, smugglers, and other sinners seeking to engage in state-condemned activities willingly make use of this ungovernable territory.
Jan 28, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read
A thread summarizing "Sovereignism Part 1: Digital Creative Destruction"

My 12-part essay series explores the digital disrup­tion of the nation-state and the subse­quent amplification of individual sover­eignty during the digital age.…

Let's dive in ⬇️ Statism is a system of socioe­co­nomic organi­za­tion which origi­nated in the Indus­trial Age. Statism includes all state imple­men­ta­tions of capitalism, commu­nism, fascism, and all other state ‑isms; it does not refer to these ideolo­gies in any pure sense.
Jan 23, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Every law, every social norm, every civil liberty, every human right, every culture: the authority and longevity of socioeconomic order itself is shaped by the one true (meaning, free market selected) sovereignty system active in the world today—gold. Gold remains the singular dominant money in the world. In the unregulated geopolitical sphere, nation-states go to war over it, fund war with it, and the victors write new laws.
Nov 3, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
A quick thread walking through some of my latest piece "Our Most Brilliant Idea" where I explore the nature of ideas, their generative source, and (of course) #Bitcoin… Ideas are the origins of everything we say, do, or make. The purpose of any economy is to generate and share useful ideas through free trade (to achieve what economists call the division of labor or knowledge specialization).
Oct 29, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
MMT is a lie. #Bitcoin is the truth.

An honest thread about a dishonest thread from @StephanieKelton

A deficit occurs when any organization—a family, a company, or a government—generates expenses that exceeds its revenues.

Most call this a "net loss," but for governments it is typically called a deficit.

But how can the US government continually spend more than it earns?
Jul 5, 2020 26 tweets 17 min read
1/22. In the spirit of independence day weekend, I just published my latest writing: “Masters and Slaves of Money" where we explore why central banking is an institution of time-theft and #Bitcoin is a weapon for peace.… 2. In 1776, the US declared its independence from England. For years, the decentralized state network resisted the implementation of a central bank, knowing the evils it had caused in eras past. Today with Bitcoin, people globally are declaring their independence from The Fed.
May 27, 2020 28 tweets 7 min read
When fiat currency dies, conditions tend toward deflation first (since money becomes more valuable when uncertainty looms), before becoming increasingly inflationary and, finally, hyperinflationary. #Bitcoin was purpose-built for this.

A thread on my current macro view on USD: Economic uncertainty is extremely high. Market participants are stashing dollars to self-insure against this uncertainty. Consumers are delaying discretionary and major purchases.
May 2, 2020 113 tweets 24 min read
Many people have asked me to share the notes from my appearance on the @APompliano podcast where we discussed "An Open Letter to @RayDalio re: #Bitcoin"

This thread is a distillation of those notes, let's begin⏬… Everything we say, do, or make starts out as an idea. The purpose of the world economy is to generate and share useful ideas through trade. As we trade, our ideas become better, giving everything we say, do, or make more specialized qualities