Amy Dickman 🦁 Profile picture
Conservationist, mother, Joint CEO @LionLandscapes, @UniofOxford Professor, @NatGeo Explorer, ❤ big cats & wine! Views my own. RTs not endorsement. She/her.

Jan 10, 2022, 11 tweets

People often ask me why so much of what I post is about trophy hunting, rather than other topics to do with #lions & #conservation. So a short thread on why I engage heavily with this issue - much as I would rather not! (1/n)

Firstly - and sadly, it is the 'threat' that gets far & away the most media attention, despite being one of the lowest-ranked threats to lions according to experts, & the fact it can also have clear benefits, esp habitat conservation. So stressing facts really matters here (2/n)

Here, to remind people, is the graph from a recent paper on key threats to lions. I wish beyond measure that NGOs, the media, public & politicians would focus on some of these key threats, like habitat loss & conflict, but it is all about trophy hunting (TH), so here we are (3/n)

The link to that paper is here, it is open access, so would love to see more focus on these far larger threats. But there are other reasons (4/n)…

Unfortunately, trophy hunting is the issue that risks some of the most devastating #conservation and #livelihoods impacts if policy is poor. TH areas cover more lion range than National Parks do, so vital that policy regarding it is thoughtful, cautious & well-informed (5/n)

I strongly believe that #conservation should be based on the best available evidence, & take a precautionary approach to avoid further biodiversity loss. Also, we MUST prioritise local rights, voices & needs for effective conservation… (6/n)

Given the peril facing #lions & so many other species, I'd love to see interested orgs focusing on key threats & on good collaborations. Sadly, so many now raise funds from #Misinformation - so I feel conservation scientists have a professional responsibility to push back (7/n)

Regardless of personal views, I think if we as scientists fail to carefully balance the evidence, & stand up for that particularly in policy, we are failing in our roles. We also risk terrible consequences for wildlife & people, which should never be taken lightly (8/n)

Lastly, I've been horrified by the level of abuse, bullying & threats that get directed to scientists, especially women, when they speak out about topics like this. I've experienced plenty of it, which only makes me more determined not to be silenced by appalling behaviour (9/n)

So that's it. I long for a time when we can all discuss & collaborate to tackle major threats, but while public & policy debates on #lion #conservation are dominated by #Misinformation about complex topic like trophy hunting, I will speak out, & I hope many more will too. Thanks!

Also, should've said: our team has worked for decades reducing threats like conflict, & I know we've saved many lions. But misguided, misinformed bans on TH would risk far, far more lions than that, so ironically, spending time on this now could have far more conservation impact.

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