David H. Montgomery Profile picture
"A French history podcaster and enormous goshdang nerd after our own hearts" — @andrewvandam. Host of @thesiecle; senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica.

Jan 10, 2022, 10 tweets

Minnesota’s #COVID19 data is still messy and backlogged, and hard to interpret. Today’s 10K newly reported cases would be the most ever reported on a Monday — but a lot of these cases are older than usual due to a backlog.

More than 5,500 of today’s 10K cases were from tests conducted a week ago or older.

So far the most recent days for which we have non-negligible case counts (last Wednesday & Thursday) have relatively low positivity rates. But this might just reflect a lag in processing cases.

So if you include the incomplete data from Wednesday & Thursday in the data, it looks like Minnesota’s positivity rate has peaked and is dropping.

But it’s WAY too early to conclude that with lots of cases not yet reported.

#COVID19 hospital admissions are rising for non-ICU beds, and falling for ICU beds.

The difference could just reflect different lag times between infection and when people deteriorate to the point of needing regular vs. ICU beds.

#COVID19 deaths are rising again, though it’s just for a couple of days so far, and too early to say whether this is a trend or a blip.

If you’re not a resident of an assisted-living facility, this is the deadliest part of Minnesota’s #COVID19 outbreak to date.

For basically the first time, Minnesotans under 65 are accounting for a larger share of reported #COVID19 deaths than people over 80.

New breakthrough data as of early December now. Unvaccinated Minnesotans then were nearly 14 times more likely to be hospitalized with #COVID19 and 16 times more likely to die from it than the unvaccinated.

Both those figures are increasing, not decreasing.

A little uptick in MN’s booster pace. Unclear whether that’s a blip or a durable change.

Rates of new first doses have inched up a little, but remain very slow.

Overall, 72% of Minnesotans have at least one dose, 66% are fully vaccinated and 32.5% are boosted.

For adults 18+, it’s 83%, 77% and 42%.

The share of newly reported cases in Minnesota that are reinfections continues to rise.

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