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Do or do not,there is no try Econ/Finance 25+yrs Exp teaching Leadership/Cost Control/HACCP in Food Industry Ask me anything, i got time https://t.co/cK2ICnOFki

Jan 12, 2022, 9 tweets

Wheat will start going up in price, this last harvest was 2013-14 level of production. Anything made with flour yall like? #Stagflation

Wheat is already up 40% since covid started

Milk is spiking, up $1.85 USD/CWT or 10.04% since the beginning of 2022

new USDA report thinks we'll eat less & that'll make up the difference in supply to keep price stable. we shall see. few other notes in the report...

Foreign corn is forecast lower for Brazil, Argentina, Kenya,
Mexico, EU & Paraguay that are partially offset by increase for Ukraine...

USDA also thinks we will have less supply of rice, but offset by lower consumption to keep prices level...

Foreign corn is forecast lower for Brazil, Argentina, Kenya,
But dont worry, Louisiana doing our part to keep everyone fat and sweet. US has plenty of sugar...

Meat production is also expected to stay high, sorry vegans...

USDA does expect:
For 2022, cheese, butter,
nonfat dry milk, and whey price forecasts are raised from last month on firm domestic
demand & tight supplies. Class III & Class IV prices up on higher dairy product prices. And 2022 all milk price forecast is raised to

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