omid shahnaz Profile picture

Jan 13, 2022, 11 tweets

Crimes against Humanity POSITIONS AND VIOLATIONS
•Member of the IRGC Statute Board, National (1979)
•Founder and commander of the IRGC’s intelligence unit, National (1979 - 1981)

Human Rights Violation: Participation in the repression, torture and execution of political opponents (1979 - 1981)…

Chief Commander of the IRGC, National (1981 - 1997)
•Human Rights Violation: Participate in the repression, torture and execution of political opponents (1981 - 1997)…

Human Rights Violation: Participation in the overseas assassination of political dissenters (1981 - 1997)

Ex-president of Iran says Khameini gave order for killings, Irish Times, 1996…

•Commander of Khatam al Anbia HQ, National (1988 - 1989)
•Member and secretary of Expediency Discernment Council, National (1997 - present)
•Human Rights Violation: Supporting the suppression of protesters (Jan 2018)

•Human Rights Violation: Supporting the suppression of the rights of the Gonabadi Darwish minority (19 Feb 2018 - 20 Feb 2018) read more
•Re-membership in the IRGC and teaching at Imam Hussein University, National (2015 - present)

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