Marine Laporte Profile picture
Researcher INSERM at @UnivLyon1 in @BDurand_lab

Jan 13, 2022, 9 tweets

“Cryo-ExM” or “how to see (almost) everything you ever dreamt of”
Want to know more ?!? Check our story out with @CentrioleLab @nikolai_klena in @naturemethods:… which combines cryo-fixation/Freeze substitution with #expansion #microscopy (#UExM).

1/Cryo-fixation, as demonstrated in electron microscopy, outperformed chemical fixations on subcellular structure such as the endoplasmic reticulum

2/Cryo-fixation circumvent the artifact of chemical fixations such as loss of antigenicity as seen with the mitochondrial outer membrane marker TOMM20

3/Cryo-ExM allows to catch “dynamic events” such as interactions between endoplasmic reticulum and microtubules or mitochondria

4/Cryo-fixation preserves microtubule organization of mitotic and ciliated cells

5/…Actin cytoskeleton

6/Or even the “liquid-like droplet” pyrenoid structure from Chlamydomonas cells from @nikolai_klena...

7/As shown in Cryo-EM by @bengeliscious (Freeman et al., cell 2017)

8/ And so many more....…

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