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Jan 14, 2022, 6 tweets

🕉 #Pongal #MakaraSankranthi 4day festival in #TamilNadu
Bhagwan God Surya enters 'MakaraRashi' frm 'DhanuRashi' -1st day of Holy Uttarayana
Day 1: Bhogi
Day 2: Thai Pongal
Day 3: Maattu Pongal
Day 4: Kaanum Pongal
#Pongal is celebrated from last day of Margazhi 🚩1/6

🕉 2. Bhogi-celebrated on the last day of Margazhi by discarding old clothes/materials, setting them on fire, marking end of the old & emergence of the new. In villages there will be a simple ceremony of 'neem' leaves kept along walls & roof of houses to eliminate evil forces 🚩

🕉 3. Thai Pongal - 1st day of Tamil month Thai starts with the solar cycle when sun starts moving towards the summer solstice -Uttarayana. It is celebrated by boiling rice with fresh milk & jaggery in new pots, topped with brown sugar, cashew nuts & raisins early morning 🚩

🕉 4. & allowing it to boil over the vessel & blow conch- custom practised to announce it was going to be a year blessed with good tidings. Then, new boiled rice is offered to the Sun god during sunrise, as a prayer which symbolises thanks to the sun for providing prosperity🚩

🕉 5. Maattu Pongal - 3rd day of festival is for offering thanks to cattle,who help farmers in agriculture. Cattle are decorated with paint,flowers & bells & fed sweet rice & sugarcane. Jallikattu, or taming the wild bull is the main event of this day & is staged in villages 🚩

🕉 6. Kaanum Pongal- 4th day of #Pongal festival is Kaanum Pongal .People visit relatives, friends - a day to thank for their support in the harvest. Pongal- A farmers Festival to Thank Bhagwan Surya for blessing us . Kolam -Rangoli decorations are made during Pongal festival🚩

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