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Jan 15, 2022, 11 tweets

#BREAKING Tsunami alert for US West Coast, flooding in Hawaii after Tonga eruption: weather service

#UPDATE Frightened Tongans fled to higher ground Saturday after a massive volcanic eruption that triggered tsunami warnings across the South Pacific, including the entire US West Coast

#BREAKING Tsunami reaches Japan, 3-meter waves possible: meteorological agency

#UPDATE An underwater volcano in the South Pacific erupted Saturday with a stunning blast, sending tsunami waves onto nearby Tonga and to the north in Japan, with warnings of dangerous ocean surges issued as far away as the US West Coast

#BREAKING Volcano eruption caused 'significant' damage in Tonga: NZealand PM Ardern

#BREAKING US ready to send 'support' to Tonga after volcano eruption: Blinken

#UPDATE Tonga's capital Nuku'alofa suffered "significant" damage in the powerful volcanic eruption which triggered a tsunami but there have been no reports of injury or death, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says

#UPDATE “Deeply concerned for the people of Tonga as they recover from the aftermath of a volcanic eruption and tsunami. The United States stands prepared to provide support to our Pacific neighbors," Secretary of State Blinken says on Twitter @SecBlinken

#BREAKING Tsunami threat from Tonga volcano eruption has 'passed': monitor

#UPDATE "Based on all available data, the tsunami threat from this volcanic eruption has now passed," Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says

Authorities at "impacted coastal areas should monitor... to determine when it is safe to resume normal activities"

A massive volcanic eruption in Tonga that triggered tsunami waves around the Pacific caused "significant damage" to the island nation's capital and smothered it in dust, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says

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