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Jan 17, 2022, 7 tweets

PM #NarendraModi delivers 'State of the World' address at World Economic Forum, Davos Summit.

Read more here: bit.ly/3qB4cK6

"India is celebrating its 75th year of Independence and also the administration of 156 crore vaccine doses in the country. India has gifted the world a bouquet of hope", says PM Modi


"In this bouquet, we Indians have an unwavering trust in our Democracy, we have the technology to empower the 21st century with the temperament and talent of Indians", says PM Modi


"India was once known for licence raj; Today, we're encouraging ease of doing business, reducing govt involvement in businesses", said PM Modi speaking at #DavosAgendaSummit

Read more here: bit.ly/3qB4cK6

"India followed vision of 'One Earth, One Health' and provided medicines, vaccines to several countries during #COVID19", says #PMModi

"Today India has the world's largest, safe and successful digital payments platform. In the last month alone, 4.4 billion transactions have taken place in India through Unified Payments Interface", says #PMModi at #Davos2022

Read here: bit.ly/3qB4cK6

"We have to accept that our lifestyle is also a big challenge for the climate. 'Throw away' culture and consumerism have made the climate challenge more serious. It is important for Mission 'LIFE' to become a global mass movement", says #PMModi


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