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Jan 20, 2022, 10 tweets

1. Update on the "Yeast Hypothesis" (Revised)

Differential enrichment of yeast DNA in SARS-CoV-2 and related genomes supports synthetic origin hypothesis [Version 3)…

2. Amendments from Version 2

Furin cleavage site data and discussion included. Identical sequence stretch on S. cerevisiae chromosome XIII identified and suggested as potential recombination donor for the furin site insert in the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein

3. Revised version 3 includes new data regarding the origin of the unusual FCS in SARS-CoV-2. Indeed, with these new data & evidence, it suggests that this critical site is the product of a recombination event after synthetic passage in genetically manipulated S. cerevisiae cells

4. . Overall, the research presented in this article now provides strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2 has an origin in synthetic yeast, and as such is not a product of natural evolution alone.

5. Highlighted Revisions - 1

"At this junction, we detect a highly specific stretch of yeast DNA encoding for the critical furin cleavage site insert PRRA, which has not been seen in other lineage b betacoronaviruses"

6. Highlighted Revisions - 2

"Our data specifically allow the identification of
the yeast S. cerevisiae as a potential recombination donor for the critical furin cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2"

7. Highlighted Revisions - 3

"Of special interest in this analysis was a 16 base sequence TTCTCCTCGGCGGGCA near P2 between position 23599 & 23614, which corresponded to the furin cleavage site & identically aligned with bases [810386..810401] from S. cerevisiae chromosome XIII"

8. Highlighted Revisions - 4

"Yeast (S. cerevisiae) standardized BLAT z-scores representing the relative homology signal from all alignment scores in 13 representative SARS-related coronaviruses"

Note that only, SARS-COV 1, SARS -COV 2 and RaTG13 show Yeast anomalies.

9. Highlighted Revisions - 5

"According to our data, this cleavage site is specifically compatible with a recombination event including chromosome XIII of S. cerevisiae, which shares a unique nucleotide sequence that encodes
the necessary insert PRRA"

10. Any questions?

Corresponding author: Andreas Martin Lisewski

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