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Jan 22, 2022, 20 tweets

The 1994 Trumbull County OH UFOs
Hundreds of 911 calls, witnessed by many police officers and citizens. A police car's engine turning off and on.

The Trumbull County 911 dispatch recordings:

Officer Wyncoop & Smith LAPD

Officer Dale Spaur and collegues chased a UFO in 1966 known as the Portage County case.

Interview with officer Spaur. He was ridiculed, fired and refused to obey the Airforce that he saw a mirage. Another hero's life ruined.

Lonnie Zamora case 1964
Lonnie quit his job due to ridicule and stigma. He truly suffered for speaking the truth.

Sightings on the Zamora case

Lonnie's office

Criminal investigator James Clarkson on the Exeter UFO incident in 1965.

The deputy Val Johnson UFO case Minnesota 1979

Episode on the Val Johnson case:

Two Devon constables UK saw a UFO like a star in 1967. Moved as if it was under intelligent control.

Retired Montana Sheriffs
Keith Wolverton & Pete Howard

The officers (13 in total) who witnessed the triangular UFOs in 1990/1991 during the Belgian flap.

More police encounters:

More police encounters part II

UFO reports by retired officers:

Kenneth Storch on police encounters:

Episode on Dailymotion
Hangar 1 Cops & Saucers

And now I take the weekend off 😂

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