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Jan 23, 2022, 25 tweets

@JoeBiden Nobody sane thinks that @JoeBiden tweeted the below or even knows that it was tweeted in his name.

Be that as it may, COVID—19 isn’t disrupting our daily lives; COVID-19 policies are; including many policies that ignore the science and ones that do more damage than good.

@JoeBiden COVID-19 deaths since @JoeBiden’s first full day in office is 450,013. That’s a daily average of 1,229.

The 438,594 COVID deaths under Trump averaged 1,405 a day but that was pre-vaccines.

Mind-boggling that failed policies continue to be pushed and that Fauci isn’t yet fired.

@JoeBiden 3/ Officials, corporate PR (“media”), and social media companies refuse to search for accurate data and/or they shut down data for many, many months before half-heartedly acknowledging the dat which would necessitate an adjustment in policies, but those changed don’t come.

@JoeBiden 4/ Most outrageous of an example is that days ago was only the second time in 4 months that the CDC published a study on natural immunity; the other being in Oct 2021. Worse, those 2 studies have basic flaws and/or dishonesties that I addressed at the time and won’t do again now.

5/ The relevance of natural immunity for however long/strong it is should have been central to COVID-19 policies, but the CDC doesn’t have running numbers on it publicly; doesn’t have endless studies on it, and suggests no adjustment of policies to the easing side based on it.

6/ Corporate PR (“media”) mostly goes along with the flawed studies rather than calling out basic, glaring issues. When the findings favor natural immunity (NI) - despite the studies having anti NI flaws - it gets spun not what it shows. Whatever. Talking to the four walls.

7/ eighteen months into the outbreak, @drsanjaygupta finally asked Fauci about NI. Fauci said it is a good idea to look at it. Where was the question until then? Why was it not asked weekly of Fauci? Why didn’t Fauci push CDC/Trump-Biden Admins to steadily release those numbers?

@drsanjaygupta 8/ Pre-COVID, it was normal to encourage healthy living as a tool to help mitigate potential impact from a virus. (See Fauci on this in 2019). However, in the last 22 months there is almost no such talk and it got people banned for saying that it helps!

@drsanjaygupta 9/ I read studies in 2020 (!) that many masks work less than people think they do either due to design or how the masks are used. Yet, talk of this as a fact rather than an issue to address got you banned, and govs kept pushing masks as if they do more than they do.

@drsanjaygupta 10/ Plane passengers can be maskless due to eating, so why are masks mandates on planes? Why don’t “aviation reporters” laugh @FAANews, Fauci and @CDCDirector out of town about it? Why are planes turned back for mask refusers when they can “safely” be maskless if they simply eat?

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector 11/ Kids are forced-masked with all its damages despite the shortcomings of masks; despite natural immunity and/or vaxx protection that staffers have, and despite what Fauci said in 2020 that most spread are from symptomatic people which wouldn’t be asymptomatic kids!

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector 12/ Speaking of kids, two years of data show that kids under 18 are less than 0.10% of US COVID deaths, and that COVID deaths are 1.05% of all children deaths.

Why aren’t these facts better known, and why doesn’t COVID—9 policy reflect this data which were consistent all along?

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow 13/ School staff aren’t stuck at home in bubble wrap in off school hours. The idea that kids (who can be checked for basic symptoms and stay home) need to be garbage masked for the “safety” of vaxxed staff that can wear effective masks correctly at school, is an abusive FARCE!

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow 14/ Michigan alone in less than one year had triple the number of COVID deaths among 6 million vaccinated people than ALL children COVID deaths in ALL of America for ALL of the outbreak among 74 million kids who were mostly unvaccinated.

This should ROCK COVID policy for kids!

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow @karol @EzraKahan @ezraklein @SteveKornacki @tylerpager @JackPosobiec 15/ Data from highly vaccinated Israel in July 2021 show that vaccinated people can not just get infected, but can land up seriously ill/dead too. @CDCDirector acknowledged in early Aug that vaccines don’t prevent spread, yet vaxx passes are a thing.

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow @karol @EzraKahan @ezraklein @SteveKornacki @tylerpager @JackPosobiec 16/ A spin about passes is that “indeed, vaxx doesn’t prevent spread but passes encourage vaccination which cuts death.”

Problem is that the vaxx passes led people to think that their symptoms are a strep/cold/flu and continued roaming around causing more spread and deaths!

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow @karol @EzraKahan @ezraklein @SteveKornacki @tylerpager @JackPosobiec 17/ I can tweet a dozen more data/logic points that go largely underreported which if “journalists” asked officials about it endlessly the data would need be researched and many policies would need to be dissmised on insanity grounds; especially masks on planes/in schools.

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow @karol @EzraKahan @ezraklein @SteveKornacki @tylerpager @JackPosobiec 18/ With vaccine immunity waning quick (booster needed within 5 months); with vaccinated people getting infected; natural immunity holding for a while, and spread coming mostly from symptomatic people, why are unvaccinated medical workers fired?

Zero science/logic behind it!

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow @karol @EzraKahan @ezraklein @SteveKornacki @tylerpager @JackPosobiec 19/ We are almost two years into COVID, yet the main focus is masks up/down; lockdowns on/off and jabs. There is little-to-no focus by officials and corporate PR what to do once infected except of waiting at home for things to get better or worse. Imagine we did this to the flu!

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow @karol @EzraKahan @ezraklein @SteveKornacki @tylerpager @JackPosobiec 20/ None of the 280 tweets and retweets by @CDCgov in December 2021 said what do while infected beyond staying home.

Fauci mentioned Monoclonal in August 2021 and that he takes vitamin C & D back in Sep 2020.

That’s most of what we heard of him outside of jabs/masks/lockdowns.

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow @karol @EzraKahan @ezraklein @SteveKornacki @tylerpager @JackPosobiec @CDCgov @mcuban @sullydish @andrewrsorkin @charlescwcooke @rorycooper @ProfMJCleveland @ScottWapnerCNBC @jadescipioni @patsajak 21/ below is a link to the CDC’s count of excess deaths/deaths above the norm the last two years outside of COVID. (see “Total number above average by cause” option).

It has 273K added deaths nationwide the last two years.

My point is in the next tweet.


@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow @karol @EzraKahan @ezraklein @SteveKornacki @tylerpager @JackPosobiec @CDCgov @mcuban @sullydish @andrewrsorkin @charlescwcooke @rorycooper @ProfMJCleveland @ScottWapnerCNBC @jadescipioni @patsajak 22/ COVID deaths are almost-if-not over-counted due to robust testing at hospitals. Yet there are ANOTHER 273,000 excess deaths outside of it.


Likely due to lockdown policies that cut access to care, and restricted companion access at hospitals.

How is this normal?

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow @karol @EzraKahan @ezraklein @SteveKornacki @tylerpager @JackPosobiec @CDCgov @mcuban @sullydish @andrewrsorkin @charlescwcooke @rorycooper @ProfMJCleveland @ScottWapnerCNBC @jadescipioni @patsajak 23/ Look at Vermont:

Their case count among vaccinated is at a record high (first chart).

Their COVID deaths total among the vaccinated rose from 10 in late August 2021 to 132 now in a time that VT had around 240 COVID deaths (last chart).

Why no added focus on therapeutics?

@drsanjaygupta @FAANews @CDCDirector @bariweiss @brithume @RMConservative @MichaelPSenger @joerogan @Timcast @TPCarney @ClayTravis @EJohnWherry @DanODonnellShow @karol @EzraKahan @ezraklein @SteveKornacki @tylerpager @JackPosobiec @CDCgov @mcuban @sullydish @andrewrsorkin @charlescwcooke @rorycooper @ProfMJCleveland @ScottWapnerCNBC @jadescipioni @patsajak @KatiePavlich @JamesTodaroMD @MarcLobliner @RubinReport @SteveDeaceShow @StevePhillipsMD 24/ Of Note about Vermont is that HALF of all its COVID deaths since the start of the outbreak happened over the last 4.5 months (and more than half COVID deaths in recent months are among the vaccinated as shown in the above tweet).

When will this lead to policy adjustments?

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